Monday, January 16, 2017

“35-percent tax”: Trump threatens German car manufacturers with huge punitive tariffs – FOCUS Online


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The President-designate, US President, Donald Trump German car threatened duties farmer with a Criminal, if you produce, instead of in the United States and in neighboring Mexico. Should you want to cars in the USA to sell that were not manufactured there, you would have to pay “35% in taxes,” said Trump in an Interview with the “Bild”newspaper.

so Far, the German against the United States “very unfair”. “I would say the BMW, if you build a factory in Mexico and cars in the USA want to sell a 35-percent tax, then you can forget it,” said Trump to the question according to the plans of the Munich-based car manufacturer, BMW, to open in 2019, with a factory in Mexico.

Ford and Toyota also are under pressure

“What I’m saying, is that you have to build your factory in the United States,” he said in the Interview with the “Bild” and the British “Times”. Trump had also threatened the Japanese car maker Toyota is already with penalty duties, should not abandon the group his plans for the construction of a new factory in Mexico.

car manufacturer Ford has already announced plans to abandon a multi-billion investment in Mexico for the construction of a factory and instead create hundreds of new jobs in the United States.

Also in the Video: With blood and tear gas equipped – The first vehicle in the world? Trump is the new President going to change all the car in the shade



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