Friday, January 27, 2017

VW exhaust scandal: Prosecutor’s office determined against winter grain due to the … – FOCUS Online

It would have been “sufficient factual indications” that winter, grain could be earlier than of him in public have knowledge of the claims of the manipulating Software and their effect had”. Winter grain was in September 2015, shortly after the scandal of the VW-top-of-the resigned. He was, however, none of the misconduct deliberately, he had said at the time.

In the Wake of the expansion of the investigation, there were also raids. This week, a total of 28 objects were, with a focus in the area of Wolfsburg, Gifhorn and Braunschweig searches, it said.

examination of witnesses resulted in a new suspect

evidence for the new suspicion for investigations by the public Prosecutor, in particular, evidence from interrogations of witnesses and accused, as well as the evaluation of the seized files. So far, the prosecution had determined against the winter grain only because of the suspicion of market manipulation, because VW could have informed the financial markets may be too late on the multi-billion dollar risks of the scandal.

At the same time, the public Prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig extended their investigations against responsible employees of Volkswagen because of the Manipulation of emission values for Diesel vehicles. The number of accused for this act increased from 21 to 37 persons.

court: “From the top

arranged”That winter, grain could be re-targeted at all, was already foreseeable, including in the context of a process at the district court of Hildesheim, in the first instance, the Volkswagen group because of immoral behavior had been sentenced to . The judge had noted, among other things:

  • It was traded in the off-gas Software is a deliberate Manipulation and the decision for their use should be in the hierarchy level of the group of far above: “In the use of the engine control software, it is a decision with huge economic reach, it can hardly be assumed that she was hit by a at the lower end of the operating hierarchy-based developer, on its own responsibility”, the court. It was to be assumed, “that this decision is arranged by the Board of Directors or, respectively, ‘approved’ has been”, it said.
  • In the civil process had given the VW’s lawyers, according to the text of the judgment, inter alia, that neither Ex-VW boss Martin Winterkorn, the former VW head of development Ulrich Hackenberg from the Manipulation of known or they have given in order.
  • It was, according to the court, not a peccadillo, but a consumer
  • This illusion was also classified reprehensible “as in the past, such as the admixture of glycol in wine, or of horse meat in lasagna,” the court said.

  • The VW lawyers had refused in the process, apparently, is to give a judge sufficient insight into the operation of the Software Updates. The court criticized, in this context, the work of enlightenment of the VW representative law firm Jones Day, to have the results of the VW-lawyers in the process, nothing fundamental delivered.

    Supreme enlightener, is leaving the company

    just yesterday, for the enlightenment of the diesel scandal co-responsible of the VW management Board member Christine Hohmann had become known:-Dennhardt differs surprisingly from the wolf Burger chef days.

    Volkswagen and Hohmann-dennhardt separate according to VW, “due to different views on responsibilities and the future operational work structures in their area of responsibility”, as the company announced. The former constitutional judge was only changed at the beginning of 2016 Daimler as a Board for Integration and the right to Wolfsburg and should promote the reappraisal of the fraud of exhaust gas tests. the According to information from FOCUS Online, was apparently one of the reasons for the departure of the chief enlightener, is that Volkswagen does not want to publish the report of the inquiry of Jones Day as originally announced.

    Winterkorn: “I knew nothing of it”

    The scandal of manipulated emission tests for diesel vehicles had plunged VW in a serious crisis.

    a week Ago, winter had been denied grain, to the known, the Diesel will have known scandal of illegal exhaust-rigging in the auto maker. “It is not to understand why I am not early and clear information about the measurement problems have been solved,” said the Ex-Manager in front of the exhaust gas investigation Committee of the Bundestag in Berlin.

    Video: expert for sure: If the winter grain is traveling in the USA, he is immediately arrested


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