Monday, January 30, 2017

Rüdiger Grube: that is Why the rail-head threw his Post – WORLD

An the top of the track had almost expected a quiet Start to the week. On Monday, the expectation would be to extend the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bahn (DB) the contract of CEO Rüdiger Grube (65) for a further three years. After that, Business as usual.

Previously, seemed to be all Soft. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Federal Minister of transport Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) had already signaled weeks ago that they wished for in the year of the election, no change at the top of the state group. And yet on Friday the personnel Committee of the DB Supervisory Board decided that the, since 2009 President of the management Board chief pit should remain after the expiry of his previous contract for a further three years in office. So by the end of 2020, when the mine is 69 years old. If the personnel Committee decides, it will be rubber-stamped usually in the Supervisory Board.

But not in this case. Contrary to the submission of the personnel Committee, the control Committee did not materialize on Monday in the DB-the large majority of which will be considered in such personnel decisions in the state of the group is necessary. Rather, it was at once by several members that it does not need to be an extension of up to three years. Two would suffice.

Grubes Meet futile

the pit of baff was and protested violently. Among other things, with the note, but that he had in return for those three years, an increase in its in eight years, unchanged salary and a severance payment in the event of premature departure dispensed with. But there was nothing to be done, it should only be for two years. Then mine decided quickly. He threw down, with immediate effect, so that he got rid of his Job on the day of the meeting of the Supervisory Board.

don’t Want to be only for two years, train-in-chief: Rüdiger Grube

source: Reuters

There was also the Minister responsible surprised: “This is, in fact, a so-unexpected twist,” said Dobrindt on Monday, lunch on the edge of a CSU Board meeting in Munich. “That it has been given at the end appears to be little willingness to agree on both sides, was not so recognizable,” added Dobrindt – but that there had been a behind-the-Scenes before, quite different opinions to the top personnel. It had been so Dobrindt cloudy, in the past few days, the “discussion” on pit.

What sort of discussions were the exactly, said Dobrindt. However, according to the “world”information, it has been on the Supervisory Board of the employer, i.e. the Federal and the Dobrindt Ministry, where those discussions were held. Here you had concerns because of the three years. Among other reasons, because mine could be a bit too old to make the rail for the digital age fit. Therefore, the policy could not harm it, pit a bit earlier to replace, so after two years of the extension.

Pofalla you not trust everything to

But because mine refused to act, it must already be looking for a successor. Whether or not the is actually Roland Pofalla, is unclear. The former Chancellery is the boss of an influential member of the management Board of DB, and in the longer term, his party wanted him to install the friends of the Union are actually at the top of the state group.

pit-withdrawal “has a history”


resignation of The Railway Directors Rüdiger Grube came as a surprise. But there was a history, explains Nicholas Doll. Mine was in the last months of Mr in the house.

source: N24

But did not

but This means: The train has a strong peak figure is now missing. Just an interim solution is likely to be the former chief financial officer Richard Lütz, was charged on Monday with Grubes tasks Commissioner. Who’s going to make it in the long run is unclear – as unclear as the answer to the particularly in an election year, the pressing question of how the web of your for years-long crisis<./p>

This crisis consists of many individual problems. Far ahead of the slowly reducing delays in the movement of persons and the enormous cost risks involved in large-scale projects such as Stuttgart 21 is the biggest Problem of the transport of goods. Here, the DB is not competitive because to expensive, and the required rehabilitation of the Cargo group is not progressing.

A lucrative pillar of not bringing enough

the long-distance passenger transport is profitable. Because the billions in investment, renewed train fleet (double-deck-IC, – ICE 4) doesn’t make enough money. Although the trains are better utilized than a few years ago, but this passenger growth has been achieved mainly because of the web, more and more reduced saving throws Tickets on the market. This may be warranted in light of the long-distance bus competition, but diminishes the income. And as for the long-distance buses, the train made additional losses, as they adopted at the Urging of Dobrindts first of all, even in the long-distance bus market entry, but then with millions of loss.

all of these problems in the economy are exacerbated by the fact that a solid source of income is weaker. Namely, the regional transport. At the is actually constant and solid earn, because it is co-financed by the länder continuously. But The DB has lost in the last years in many regions of the respective tenders against private competitors. This is also why, but not only, because in the case of the Private staff of the trains, some of which are less well paid than in the state group.

mine had offers traditional in the face of all these problems, the role of the “Kümmerers”. Again and again he showed up at railway stations, selling tickets, talking with the employees and made delays, as well as the improvement of the often disastrous passenger information to the chief thing. That made him the friendly face of the web, but to the serious structural problems of the changed little. In this respect, it now appears, as a stick behind the revolt of the Supervisory Board, at least the feeling that you need for a real turnaround, a new leadership figure.

“testimony to the political failure of Dobrindt”

But who could it be? “Because there is no one who comes to mind immediately,” he said on Monday in charge of transport, SPD parliamentary group Deputy Sören Bartol. At least the requirement profile could define a party friend Bartols. Martin Burkert, Chairman of the Bundestag’s transport Committee, said was needed, now a railway chief, “quality and reliability” and the crisis-ridden freight transport subsidiary, DB Cargo “back on Track”.

That there is another personnel problem in the railway policy but yet on a top post, says the railway policy spokesman of the Green party, Matthias Gastel. And the owner, the Confederation, and the Minister of transport.

Gastel in Grubes sudden departure of a character, “that the Federal government as the representative of the sole owner, and the DB management Board is not more harmonised in the past few years”. Therefore, Gastel, Grubes resignation is also a “testimony to the political failure of Dobrindt”.


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