Monday, January 30, 2017

Starbucks wants to hire 10,000 refugees – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Employees in a Starbucks in Mumbai, India.

After the chief of the powerful Internet companies Facebook and Google have turned the public against the entry of the decree of the new American President Donald Trump, some companies handlebars with part of fierce criticism. The Chairman of the Board of Café chain Starbucks, Howard Schultz, announced that the company will adjust in the coming years, 10,000 refugees in its stores around the globe. According to a letter to employees, published on the website of the company.

Starbucks will be set in all 75 countries where the company does business with, refugees who are fleeing war, persecution and discrimination. Will start Schultz in the United States, with the employment of refugees who have worked in their countries for the American military, for example, as a Translator.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz fight to Hillary Clinton.

44530149 Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz supported in the election campaign of Hillary Clinton.

Sharp-Starbucks-in-chief criticized the by the President recently to reaffirm plans for a wall on the border with Mexico, to stop illegal immigrants. “Build bridges, not walls,” he wrote. According to his information, Starbucks will continue to invest in Mexico, where the group already operates 600 cafes and approximately 7000 employees. Howard Schultz had supported during the election campaign of Hillary Clinton. Rumours that he is seeking a political mandate, he denies.

Elon Musk, the ranks never to mince his words embarrassed founder and CEO of electric car manufacturer Tesla, now also in the series of critics of the immigration decree. “A lot of people that are negatively affected by this policy, are strong supporters of the United States,” he wrote on the short message service Twitter: “you have done the Right thing, not the Wrong, and they deserve to be rejected.”

the chief of The transport service intermediary Uber-chief Travis Kalanick referred to the decree in a post on Facebook as “wrong and unjust”. Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg had objected to at the weekend as the first prominent entrepreneur in the decision-making Trumps. “The United States is a Nation of immigrants and we should be proud of,” he wrote in a Posting. Google Executive

Sundar Pinchai called on employees of companies working abroad and one of the seven countries concerned, immediately after their return home to the United States. Also from the leadership of Microsoft, there was criticism. The technology industry is particularly interested in well-trained professionals from abroad.

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The Chairman of the Executive Board of the industrial company General Electric, Jeff Immelt, said in a company blog, he share the Concerns of its employees. Immelt promised, will stand by the employees concerned to the side and try to work with the Trump Administration solutions. Also, the leadership of the largest American Bank JP Morgan was in the course of trump’s decision, according to American media to their employees. CEO Jamie Dimon promised, therefore, the Bank will be steadfast for those who might be affected by the decree. Both Dimon as well as Immelt, Kalanick and Musk are among a number of American top managers who want to advise the new President on economic issues.

Trump had arranged on Friday a decree that citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen must receive 90 days no Visa. Refugees around the world Trump told the entry for 120 days, Syrian refugees, even for an indefinite period of time.

The ban also applies to travelers with dual citizenship. Except according to the government, but American citizens as well as British and canadian citizens who have a second passport from one of the affected countries. A representative from trump’s joint staff said on Sunday in defense of the ban, the President of the wool to spare his country, similar attacks such as in France, Belgium and Germany.


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