Saturday, January 21, 2017

Facebook Post: Dm-assistant wants to shop at a competitor Rossmann and … –

Than dm-assistant Giannina Zentrich in the case of a competitor Rossmann shop, little did you no Harm. But the shopping should be for you a real nightmare.

“I have to buy the intended many of the products from the current advertising,” she writes in a Facebook Post on Rossmann. “Without ulterior motives”. Just for themselves personally, their mother and a few Acquaintances.

But as Zentrich at the checkout, and your bulging shopping cart emptied, with the roar of a sudden a Rossmann-associate through the Store: “Bonabbruch, immediately cancellation. This client gets Nothing here!"

Not a commodity, because they are the competition works

The dm staff have first of all, I didn’t know that you meant was, until the woman suddenly standing next to her. You have to withdraw from the Band and had been confronted with the fact that you work at dm.

Background: Recently had a message for headlines that dm sends its employees to shop at the competition, where products that are in the offer to purchase.

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employees of dm are targeted to the competition will be sent to the offers to purchase.


Getty Images (icon photo)

Zentrich insists that she was as a private person on the go – and finally, own brands do not want to buy that your employer is not in the offer.

However, a phone conversation with the supervisor was of no avail and

she had to leave the Store without the goods. With the message: Buy them in the online shop, as Zentrich writes on Facebook.

says Rossmann to the allegations

The drugstore chain, want to contradict the allegations in the “Brigitte” and the customer is called a “proven dm-Aufkäuferin”, the car two full shopping full of brand goods to buy. It was a “considerable burden for many of our employees, who are facing empty shelves and angry customers to explain why the Rossmann-promotional goods obviously is not enough.”

One thing is certain: Giannina Zentrich will not enter this Rossmann-branch.


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