Saturday, January 21, 2017

BER-launch postponed again : what is the capital airport can not 2017 … – FOCUS Online

BER-launch postponed again : what is the capital airport can no longer be 2017 opened

Saturday, 21.01.2017, 12:46

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The capital’s BER airport can not be opened, contrary to the original planning this year. The airport CEO Karsten mill field announced on Saturday.

“At this point, we are at a point where we must say, 2017 may no longer work with the opening,” said Berlin head of government Michael Müller (SPD), the Chairman of the BER Supervisory Board. He is now in 2018.

The Board had a duty to state the consequences arising from the recently revealed problems with the 1200 doors, Müller said. This should at the next meeting of the Supervisory Board on 7. February happen. In addition, a round table with companies involved in scheduled to take place in the Red city hall, with the cooperation of “back” didn’t work. “We will have in the next two weeks, for greater security, where we stand.”

Many doors need to be re-wired

The delay had been coming for longer. Officially, the airport held recently at the schedule for the opening in 2017. At the turn of the year,

the company had announced to Express their views in January.

Mueller called on the BER-Board, to say in the first quarter, what is the actual date for the opening you are aiming for. This is for planning security of the partners such as airlines, important.

According to information from the German press Agency need to be wired in many doors. Because if you do not close in the event of a fire properly, is a scheduled smoke extraction is not possible. In addition, there may be modification required to the sprinkler system. There must be pipes replaced, would vacate the tedious Work in the ceiling cavity about the terminal speed.

“the conclusion of the round-of-completion”

Müller, in the light of the Progress of construction in recent years, and according to their own words, the opening of the third largest German airport, moves to 2019 or 2020.

“After all, what is now, we are actually in the final round of the completion.” Müller is since about one and a half years, Chairman of the Supervisory Board. BER partners are the Federal government and the Länder of Berlin and Brandenburg.

Video: 10 years of BER breakdown airport: So far, only Ghost trains

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