She was the only woman in the men’s team of: Christine Hohmann-dennhardt was in the VW Board of management for the areas of integrity and legal competence. Now you will be leaving the group completely by surprise – after only a year in office.

people do not dare to Board member Christine Hohmann-dennhardt is leaving the group Executive Board. The Volkswagen announced in Wolfsburg on Thursday. The group and Hohmann-dennhardt separate according to VW, “due to different views on responsibilities and the future operational work structures in your Department”. The former constitutional judge was changed at the beginning of 2016, the Daimler Board member for integrity and legal to Wolfsburg.
Hohmann-dennhardt sheath 31. February “by mutual agreement” from the Board of management of the VW group. The Supervisory Board would like to thank her for that, that you’ve helped with your “outstanding professional competence and experience” to Achieve important milestones.
The 66-year-old Hohmann-dennhardt was at VW of the processing of the exhaust-manipulations involved. The group had recently is in the USA, various comparisons with billion in payments in the matter. VW but still Far from all the disputes in the diesel scandal. The affair to manipulated emission tests for diesel vehicles had plunged VW in a serious crisis.
the successor of Hohmann-dennhardt is according to VW, Hiltrud Werner, former head of the Volkswagen group revision. “Volkswagen will continue unchanged and, with no change in the Thinking and Acting forward”, it said.
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