Saturday, January 21, 2017

US soldiers get German plastic pistols – THE WORLD

Since 30 years of US-soldiers shooting with guns of the Italian manufacturer Beretta. But that changes now.

In a year-long selection procedure on a new gun generation to the next to Beretta’s other prominent companies such as Smith & Wesson, or Glock involved, the decision was made in favor of SIG Sauer.

For the German company with Swiss roots, it is a Mega-job for a fixed price over 580,2 million dollars for guns, ammunition and accessories. The weapons are produced in the American factory in the U.S. state of New Hampshire, informed the company with its North German headquarters in Eckernförde.

SIG won mad with his new model P320 competition. The gun is made of hard plastic (Polymer). The US Army was looking for a “Modular Handgun System (MHS)” and SIG stressed upset that can be put on the gun usually with a 9-Millimeter caliber, the size of the pistol grips to replace, and also the caliber changed.

First, it is now planned to test the method, before the gun by the end of this year to the soldiers issued, the statement said. After the tender, the U.S. army wants to order 280,000 new guns for the US subsidiary of SIG Sauer group, and thus the old M9 models from Beretta to replace, which was used by the US ground forces since 1985. For more 212.000 guns are supposed to be ordered from other Parts of the U.S. armed forces.

SIG Sauer the order of the U.S. evaluates the role of the military in recognition of a technical pioneer. The weapons company since 16 years of private German L&O, the Holding of the German activities, the U.S. subsidiary and the Swiss Arms. L&O is the abbreviation for the owner, Michael Lüke and Thomas Ortmeier. The company is in a complex corporate structure, both in the civilian market with hunting and sporting weapons, as well as in the military and security market.

among the competitors of SIG Sauer guns and gun business, the German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch. At least in the finals of the now firm US tender Heckler &amp was not

represented; cooking. Whether the oberdorfer company involved in an early stage of the competition, has informed the company never officially.

the next big decision in the military weapons business, the invitation to tender for a new assault rifle for the Bundeswehr as the successor to the G36. Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) had decided, in 2015, of 167,000 G36 rifles due to a lack of accuracy in continuous fire or heat to get rid of. In a compensation process to the controversial assault rifle of the manufacturer Heckler &amp was; cooking against the Ministry of defence. The phasing out of the G36-rifles should however, begin from 2019. At the tender SIG wants to be mad. The eckernförder not only on the oberndorfer company Heckler & Koch, the celebrated most recently with the order for the new assault rifle in France a major success.

As the third of the German provider for the G36-the successor in Germany will interfere also of the great German armaments group Rheinmetall. He recently announced a collaboration with the Austrian weapons manufacturer Steyr Mannlicher. You want to send the new assault rifle RS556 with 60 per cent, the German share of “Made in Germany” into the race.

The exact cost, the schedules and the Bundeswehr for the new rifle, are not yet known. Experts speak of a similar order of magnitude as now in the USA for the guns.

The location of the SIG Sauer in Eckernförde has already benefited from the new weapons economy. Earlier, up to 600 Employees worked there, it was under 100, but since last year, the staff puts number. The company focuses on the sports industry and the authorities business. Because at the police station, the danger is growing because of the increasing terror, the demand for modern firearms.


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