- The opening of Berlin’s new airport in 2017, has been permanently canceled.
- the reason for the delay are problems with the doors.
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Müller hopes that at least 6.5 billion euros for expensive airport in 2018 and is in operation. Originally, the BER should start already in 2011.
It felt like the intake in the finish straight. There was nothing, what could be mocked, and not just because many of the long of the Spottens were tired after all the mishaps around the forever work-in-progress capital airport BER in Schoenefeld, near Berlin. As managing Director Karsten mill field and technology chief Jörg Marks invited last time in the autumn of journalists to the tour, and spread Marks, even a kind of comforting Horror.
He looked back at construction sites-misery, that seemed to be overcome. Marks led to ceilings, behind which in the early years, lines, messy laid. And showed, as had the now solved. He presented the doors that would finally work the way it was planned. Airport chief mill field noted that progress was, if not quite as quickly as hoped. “We have withdrawn the planning smooth and are already taking important technical systems in operation,” he announced at the beginning of October. He wrote: “in 2017, could work.” The sound of a normal site, as if you had 25 years after the beginning of the planning is finally in control.
BER-architect: “I do not dare to forecast”
but they Had. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Berlin’s governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD), and mill field confirmed officially that the planned opening date for BER is not the end of 2017. Internally, the airport company had signaled this to the Supervisory Board already a few days ago. Irritating to the cancellation is that there are new, unexpected problems that delay the project further. The impact can not be estimated, a new event can thus not be called.
until Recently it was called from the environment of the management of the BER always that in the spring of 2018, the first plane will take off, if 2017 is not going to create. Also for the time being once, no more talk. Mill field wants to wait until the consequences of the new problems are to be estimated. It is, apparently, a few months Bauverzögerung.
The empty Airport consumes each month, 17 million Euro cost
operating reason for the delay are problems with the doors, in fact, the electronic door control system in the passenger terminal, it must allow for numerous functions. The doors serve as security gates, but also as part of the smoke extraction system, whose problems should be
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Müller hopes that at least 6.5 billion euros for expensive airport in 2018 and is in operation. Originally, the BER should start already in 2011. In the meantime, the date has been postponed five Times. Müller called on the BER-Board, to say in the first quarter, what is the actual date for the opening you are aiming for, you now. The Supervisory Board would no longer stall. “We need to change an appointment,” said Miller.
Because of the ongoing breakdown and re-suspended the opening of the capital airport, BER not more, deserves this, from the point of view of Berlin the young liberals in the name of former Chancellor Willy Brandt. The Airport had become “a definitive Symbol of Chaos and of non-Planning,” said the state Chairman of the FDP youth organization Roman-Francesco Rogat at the weekend. It could not be that for this project, “a successful and honored Chancellor Willy Brandt with his name must serve”.
long was an opening in 2017 as highly unlikely. For weeks course eigenern of the airport were to be found under the Share – these are the States of Berlin and Brandenburg and the Federal government – a doubt whether the still-under the former airport chief Hartmut Mehdorn announced the appointment. In the Federal government, one could have wished for, as we Heard earlier on a cancellation. The Federal Ministry of transport, Sticking to this start date is as risky appeared, it is said in circles of authority. You have warned against the airport management. The but I want the date to hold.
mill field had always insisted that while there were risks, but they are “pressure on the boiler”, so the progress of the construction work due to time pressure wanted to push. He contradicted on Sunday also reports in the media that the cancellation of the appointment had been delayed out of consideration for the elections in Berlin last September. “The reason that the BER can not be opened this year, was the new status from the construction sector,” said a spokesman for Mühlenfelds.
The delay will also have serious financial consequences. The empty Airport consumes each month, 17 million euros operating costs, in addition, rental income of 13 to 14 million euros planned. Clarity wants to meet Muller at the next Supervisory Board on 7. February: “we will have security, where we stand.”
Tegel forever

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