The largest German airline Lufthansa has warned its pilots against the consequences of too high wage statements as a result of the ongoing arbitration. You should then think about to steer future investments in the Lufthansa-core company, said Board member Harry Hohmeister this Sunday in Frankfurt. New aircraft could, under certain circumstances, in the future, in a System that had lost its competitiveness and is not reformable.
next Tuesday should end the mediation in a dispute as to the salaries of the approximately 5400 pilots in the companies of the Lufthansa Classic, Lufthansa Cargo and Germanwings. True to its group-collective agreement may deal with Lufthansa in the machines of the core company exclusively pilots in accordance with this Collective agreement.
“cannot write to Lufthansa on it”
see The trade Union Association of Cockpit (VC) through the Comments Hohmeisters the conciliation affected. “The Board does not want to seem to intimidate the Arbitrator, because he trusts the power of their own arguments,” said VC spokesman Jörg Handwerg. This is certainly not helpful.
Newly-arriving, actually, for Lufthansa Classic provided Jets could be integrated into other areas of the group in which the group collective agreement of the VC, said Hohmeister. In the short term, this could be done via the Lufthansa’s sister company Swiss and Austrian. “But you can also think about a Lufthansa-close start-up. Since you are not allowed to write to, then maybe Lufthansa, but certainly something Similar."
“We need real Alternatives,”
The core company of the group with currently 334 machines shrinking for three years, because many of the routes transferred to the daughter companies Eurowings and the remaining inter-continental transport Board Shuttle flights to Munich and Frankfurt, no more growth has taken place. A further Transfer of Lufthansa flights on Eurowings is, however, rather unlikely because the two systems are supposed to be organizationally linked to each other.
Lufthansa has, however, routes already in the past, under the project name “Jump” long aircraft with pilots of the regional subsidiary Lufthansa Cityline busy, earn less than their colleagues in the group collective agreement of the Classic. This derogation from the Treaty and one could push back, and five to six other long-distance machines to operate, said Hohmeister. “That is not enough, but maybe. We also need to think about a real Alternative in the Lufthansa core business."
cooperation with Etihad
As the possible size of the new company, he called 30 to 40 machines. “This is not a collective escape, but an escape from a yet not compromise eligible for collective bargaining,” said the former Swiss chief.
According to the latest data ordered by the Lufthansa group, including the year 2016, more than 250 aircraft. Lufthansa has offered the pilots over a multi-year tariff period, a one-time payment, and 4.4 percent more money. The pilots want more, but above all they are against the planned group restructuring.
“If we meet now, somewhere in between, the extra millions in cost to an already too high of a saddle,” said Hohmeister to a possible compromise: “In this platform we could invest. We
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in addition, Lufthansa has invited for the next Wednesday to a joint press conference with the Arab airline Etihad in Abu Dhabi. It is a matter of future co-operation. The Chairman of the Board of the two companies, James Hogan and Carsten Spohr, will take part, it is clear from the invitation from Etihad.
Recently, had made the two groups and their cooperation well-known: The Lufthansa hires only 38 Jets from Etihad Partner Air Berlin, but on some routes-community flights. At the time Spohr had said, he could imagine the cooperation to other areas to expand.
Recently, had rejected Hogan, in turn, to speculation, to which his group to the Lufthansa participate wool. In the discussions between the company-guided tours to community flights and a cooperation in the field of on-Board food, said a familiar with the matter Person. On Tuesday, the airline from Abu Dhabi, announced that Hogan will make in the second half of this year from his Post at the head of the group. Etihad has overstretched themselves with its European strategy, through engagement in the airlines Air Berlin and Alitalia, both of which have problems.

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