Thursday, January 26, 2017

Christine Hohmann-dennhardt loses battle with VW power – THE WORLD

NOh only a year, Volkswagen separates itself from its legal head Christine Hohmann-dennhardt. The Wolfsburg company had “poached” the former constitutional judge soon after becoming aware of the exhaust gas scandal, the rivals, Daimler, Hohmann-dennhardt, who had taken their Posts at Volkswagen until January 2016. At the end of this month, the 66-year-old lawyer leaves the group again shortly after the main comparisons due to the exhaust of fraud are completed in the United States.

Although stressing Volkswagen in the communication, the separation of successes in the “mutual agreement”, but a few paragraphs later, Hohmann-dennhardt, due to “differences of opinion on the responsibilities and the future operational work structures in your Department”.

in fact, the expectations of the former constitutional judge were large when VW acquired it. Chairman of the Supervisory Board Hans Dieter Pötsch handle at the time even the phone and persuaded Daimler’s chief overseer Manfred Bischoff, Hohmann-to leave Hardt, so that they could participate in the management of the exhaust-gas affair. Bischoff agrees, at the time, “in the interest of Good Governance of the German automotive industry”, stated the company.

competence in the VW legal Department?

But since then, it’s pretty quiet around Hohmann-dennhardt has become. A leading role in the negotiations with the authorities in the United States or with the EU Commission they did not. Instead, her colleague on the Board, Francisco Javier Garcia Sanz travelled as a chief negotiator of the group to Washington and Brussels.

had a VW Hohmann-dennhardt, particularly from Daimler poached, because they had already gained experience with the U.S. Department of justice. The Stuttgart-based car maker Hohmann-Dennhardt, at the time, after a corruption affair started, she had previously had to do with cars, nothing. With a PhD, a lawyer, was previously a judge at the Federal constitutional court after they had been in the 1990s, the Hessian Minister of justice.

US authorities also accept Fiat Chrysler in the pliers

According to the U.S. environmental protection Agency, EPA, Fiat Chrysler diesel vehicles illegal manipulation software for improved emissions. The group is a multi-billion penalty.

source: Reuters

However, despite their competence, persistent rumors were already for some months that there is in the case of VW in the law, a competence portfolio. The formulation that there have been different views on responsibilities in their area of

responsibility and, therefore, separate paths, suggests that it was not only rumors.

settlement negotiations with the United States signed Döss and Sanz

Hohmann-dennhardt as a Board member for the Department of “law and integrity” to Wolfsburg. However, they had with Manfred Döss also always a competitor in-house. Döss had taken over at the beginning of last year, the management of the legal system at Volkswagen.

Formally, Hohmann-Dennhardt his superiors, but Döss is in the VW world, extremely influential. In addition to the Post as head of the judiciary in Wolfsburg, he is also the Board of management of Porsche SE, the parent company of Volkswagen, under the control of the owner families Porsche and Piech.

winter grain is expressed to the exhaust gas affair and disappointed

The former VW group chief Martin Winterkorn has confirmed its representation, known in the Diesel-to have a scandal, nothing about the exhaust-rigging in the auto maker knew.

source: The world/ Jana Wochnik

Döss is said to have played contrary to Hohmann-dennhardt an important role in the settlement negotiations in the United States. This is shown by the fact that the agreement, with the VW a few days ago penalties in the amount of 4.3 billion dollars, accepted and an admission of guilt sailed, not, for example, the signature of Hohmann-dennhardt, but the Döss. Also, the record comparison with American car owners about $ 15 billion signed Döss, and Garcia-Sanz, Hohmann-dennhardt.

head of group internal audit brings to the Board

Yet after their departure not Döss Hohmann-Dennhardt to its management Board, post to follow, but Hiltrud Werner. Werner was since 1. January 2016, the head of the group internal audit Department in Wolfsburg, previously, she held the same Post at ZF Friedrichshafen.

you should now put the Hohmann-dennhardt initiated changes in the Compliance structure to ensure that no future violations of the law such as the diesel scandal at VW, more can happen.

However, Hohmann-Dennhardt is exactly why the group has been brought in to make the old structures of the conclusion, which had enabled fraud over the years, a Exhaust. Her departure suggests that the old power structures have yet to be set once.


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