Volkswagen in the USA, hundreds of thousands of Audi check. Background problems with corrosion, water pumps, and safety belts.

Volkswagen recalls nearly 600,000 vehicles in the United States. Vehicles of the Audi brand, be affected, especially, the US traffic safety authority NHTSA said. Accordingly, some of the vehicles corrosion problems that could cause the Airbags will not deploy in an accident correctly. In the other hand, the danger of Overheating of the water was pumps, other cars would have hit the remote problems with the belt.
According to the authority last year there were several incidents in China and Israel, fatal accidents in connection with the problems have not yet been registered. Affected owners can leave their cars according to the NHTSA, free of charge, at dealerships or repair the affected parts of the exchange.
The Declaration left open the question of whether the Airbags sourced from Japanese manufacturer Takata. The company has been fighting for almost three years, with the consequences of a scandal to exploding Airbags. Customers of Takata were about to call the 100 million vehicles, most of them in the United States.
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