Tuesday, January 24, 2017

From “truck” to “Summi”: power-Truck taxes highway-Test – n-tv.de NEWS

Tuesday, 24. January 2017

After years of planning, it is specifically: The line-Truck – at least two German motorway sections. A practice test is to show whether it is worth the effort, the long-distance goods traffic resumed on the road to electric.

two sections of motorway in Germany are already rolling soon new electric trucks. By the end of 2018, the Federal Ministry for the environment wants to test the power of commercial vehicles via the overhead line.

The large E-Truck-Test approaches, after extensive preparations, its hot Phase: The German Federal Ministry for the environment have the two test tracks for electric-powered trolley Trucks are now selected, according to a Ministry spokesman. The Ministry promotes the project with the aim to transport goods in an environmentally friendly on the road.

The two test tracks where the overhead lines for the “Summis” (instead of: “trucks”) that must be installed are to be created according to reports in Schleswig-Holstein and Hesse. They are twelve miles long, it is called from the environment of the project preparation. What highway sections is exactly, is expected to be already given at the beginning of February is officially known.

The Tests, extensive preparatory work preceded. In a first Phase, the lander routes initially Offered for testing should apply for participation. “After the announcement of our decision for the pilot routes of the required infrastructures of the two selected provinces will be put out to tender,” said the Ministry spokesman. “Then the company can apply<."/p>

Installed also the control electronics and the connection to the electricity network must be in addition to the masts for the overhead line. The concrete planning and execution from hanging then by the time plans of the länder, as well as the companies. “The commissioning of the two pilot routes, but must be done by the end of


Rapid rise in the quantities of Goods

the project’s starting point is the question of how the growth in freight traffic can be handled without increasing environmental burden. According to a forecast by the Federal government for the period up to 2030, the railway will be able to take only a fifth of the expected growth. Most of the shipments come on the road.

More about

electric Trucks could be a solution if the electricity comes from renewable sources. Unlike batteries, power from the overhead contact line enables journeys over long distances. One of the advantages: A part of the technique of the Construction in the rail transport. As in the case of the railway

With Diesel up to the highway

From the end of the electrified route to the destination, the Transporter is driving with a conventional diesel engine. Siemens is testing such hybrid vehicles for years on a site in the Uckermark in Brandenburg. Now it comes to a practical test on a highway with traffic.

were looking for “real tracks” from trucking companies, to participate in the plan, it was said by the project sponsor VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik, the takes care of in the order of the Ministry of environment to the project. In Sweden and California, there is already a similar demonstration objects at distances of up to two kilometers.

source: n-tv.de



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