Monday, January 30, 2017

Deutsche Bahn, Rüdiger Grube resigned – Bahn intends to “promptly” about a … – daily mirror

Bang for the Deutsche Bahn, Rüdiger Grube, has declared on Monday his resignation. The learned the German press Agency Supervisory Board circles. Previously, Spiegel Online had reported””. The news portal that he will be leaving the group with immediate effect. He had been annoyed by the fact that the Supervisory Board had not adhered to agreements. On a transitional basis, will take over chief financial officer Richard Lutz to the management of the group. The Supervisory Board was informed on Monday. Of the Supervisory Board have unanimously met Grubes, Please, to stop with immediate effect “his current contract due to a resolution agreement,” said the railway. The control panel wool dec ide “promptly” on a successor.

contract extension of three years was

ensures Actually, the Supervisory Board came together on Monday in Berlin to a special meeting to extend the contract of Executive Board Chairman. However, already during the contract negotiations, there had been differences. Different than of mine desired it should be, but no increase of salary, reported the “Handelsblatt” on Monday. Mine had gotten since 2009, a fixed salary of 900,000 euros. Were added bonuses. 2015 pit deserved so well of 1.4 million Euro.

The 65-Year-old and the Federal government as owner, agreed after intensive negotiations, to extend the contract to three years. Mine got waived in return for a salary increase, and a severance payment in the event of a premature departure.

In the Supervisory Board meeting of the state group, on Monday you have to give him but only two more years as Chairman of the Board, it said.


mine will be leaving the group in the midst of a large-scale Initiative, the quality, number of customers and a result of the rail should be significantly improved. Recently mine said the program “future train” by the boss.

Supervisory Board Chairman Utz-Hellmuth Felcht paid tribute to Grubes merits. “The digitization of the DB is also connected with his name, as the quality of the program “the future of rail,” he said.

Dobrindt calls for swift decision-making to succession

Federal transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) was surprised by the resignation of the Railway Directors Rüdiger Grube. “This is, in fact, a so-unexpected twist,” said Dobrindt on Monday on the sidelines of the CSU Board meeting in Munich. It had been in the last few days, discussions between the management Board and the Supervisory Board, at the end, little agreement, “was a willingness on both sides”. The succession must now “be solved quickly”. Dobrindt to be confessed that the railway had modernized under the Grubes leadership and progress in digitization have made. “Therefore, see, in fact, a dynamic path that is shared by all.”

Pofalla as the successor?

To possible candidates as the Executive Board member and former Chancellery chief Ronald Pofalla was called in the past as a possible successor to Grubes, did not want to speak Dobrindt. “We just go on the search. There is now no reason at all to bring now in the run-up to any name into the conversation," he said.

In the social networks, the discussion about the name Ronald Pofalla as a possible successor. The former CDU politician, had become the end of the year to the new infrastructure management Board. At that time Pofalla had a lot of enemies in the Supervisory Board: “He is improving his Position, but as Grubes successor, he is not set yet”, it said in December. The Left party leader Dietmar Bartsch wrote on Twitter: “Now is not #Pofalla, if the #Grand coalition has decency”.

the SPD wants to join the conversation

SPD Chancellor candidate, Martin Schulz, announced that his party wants to have a say in the succession Grubes.

On the occupation of the post will be decided in the coalition, he said on Monday. The coordination of the discussions in the government Alliance to run as Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, but in close coordination with him than elect a successor to the party chairmanship. SPD parliamentary group Deputy Sören Bartol advised to rush now, nothing: “Because there is no one who comes to mind immediately.”

SPD-transport politician Martin Burkert praised the pit, and demanded that the successor should focus on the issue of reliability, as well as the transport of goods. “Rüdiger Grube was after Hartmut Mehdorn, the Right to bring to the Deutsche Bahn, go back to sleep,” said the Chairman of the transport Committee in the Bundestag on Monday. “It needs now brings a railway chief, quality and reliability, and DB Cargo back on the right Track.”

“Rüdiger Grube for Stuttgart 21, and his resignation is also a S21 at the end of”

Green party leader, Anton Hofreiter evaluated the resignation Grubes in the “New Osnabrücker Zeitung” as a “Chance for a new beginning”. The Federal government backs had to be covered. Hofreiter called for with a view to Stuttgart 21, among other things, the exit from “unnecessary prestige objects”. Be group Vice Oliver Krischer criticized, and the pit was the scapegoat for the wrong policy Dobrindts. Instead of a rail to launch offensive, “was allowed to pit only to manage the defect, while debt and delays more and more increases.”

The Left-hand-traffic, politician, Sabine doesn’t see Leidig, the extension of the contract as a reason for the withdrawal, but the controversial railway project Stuttgart21.Pit continued to drive the construction, although he assessed the associated financial obligations for the group’s critical. “He has speculated quite obvious,” said Leidig, and pointed to increased costs for the construction project. Opponents of Stuttgart 21 hope on the From of the project: “Rüdiger Grube for Stuttgart 21, with his resignation, also S21 is at the end,” said the spokesman of the Stuttgart-based Park guards, Matthias Herrmann.

The associations have reacted differently to Grubes surprising farewell. The passenger Association Pro Bahn regretted the resignation. “Mine has not implemented everything he wanted, but he stayed with us and the customer in conversation,” said Pro-Bahn-honorary Chairman Karl – Peter Naumann of the daily mirror. Mine didn’t run the railway, “autocratic”. “We want a successor that is so open,” said Naumann.

The iron workers ‘ Union EVG argued, “to quickly find a suitable successor”. The Alliance “web for All” welcomed Grubes finish. “Mine has the core business of domestic rail transport – bleeding traffic consultant to the environmental organization Robin Wood.<", says Monika,/p>

pit even saw the “turnaround achieved”

Rüdiger Grube was since 2009 Chairman of the Board of the state-owned group with 300 000 employees and around 40 billion euros in sales. He took the lead after the affair to mass spying by staff-E-Mails under his predecessor, Hartmut Mehdorn.

with the purchase of the foreign transport subsidiary, Arriva, he pushed forward the international orientation. After a loss the year 2015, the mine was able to point to improved earnings and an increase in the punctuality of the trains. A few days ago, yet mine had spoken of the “many significant improvements” for customers. The business result of the “trend had achieved a turnaround,” he said. And he saw the beginning of the year on five-member management Board is “well-positioned for the future”.(AFP, dpa, Reuters)


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