schools, teaching hospitals, police, judicial administration or street, are Affected accordingly, maintenance depots. The trade Union side announced on Tuesday in Potsdam after the second round of collective bargaining for the public service of the country, which is largely lost in vain. Smaller actions had already occurred in the past few days.
In the case of the two-day discussion, there were no concrete results or offers of the employers ‘ side, such as Verdi chief Frank Bsirske said. The tariff community of German Länder (TdL) had repeatedly made it clear that it considers the Union’s demand of a total volume of six per cent Plus is far too high. A breakthrough is now in the third negotiation round of 16. February expected. The Strikes belong to the now customary accompaniment of such negotiations.
employers can hardly be guessed with empty coffers
argue For the first Time, Berlin’s Finance Senator Matthias Kollatz-leads for the Tsp side of the negotiations – together with lower Saxony’s Finance Minister Peter-Jürgen Schneider (both SPD). Your Problem: you have too much money. And this circumstance provokes greed. So all the Numbers were in the negotiations in Potsdam on the table: In the past year, the country had a budget surplus of two billion Euro; of these, two billion 1.25 billion accounted for on Berlin. With empty coffers Kollatz can argue-ancestors so bad, if he tries to parry the income claims. Especially as the tax revenues continue to rise.
The negotiations for the public service of the countries are by far the largest round of collective bargaining this year: A Million employees (not including Hesse, which is not a member of the Tsp) falling under the Tariff and 2.2 million civil servants and pensioners in countries and communities, the collective conclusion in the rule is transmitted. In Berlin it relates to around 67,000 land employees directly, including nearly 13,000 in Social and educational services (day care centers), and 15,000 teachers and 65,000 civil servants indirectly.
unions are demanding a six percent
Since Monday, Verdi, officials of the Federal government and the unions of the police officers (GdP) and teachers (WT) have advised to the second round of Negotiations with the employers. The trade unions are demanding a six percent and a minimum amount for the lower income groups at a term of the new tariff, the next twelve months. So far, So simple. But also a new level 6 will be introduced from the pay group 9, similar to the was launched a year ago with the municipalities and the Federal contractual agreements.
With this new pay level at the upper end of the income scale could be paid for certain occupations in the public service better and thus more attractive. But that costs money: Would you introduce the level 6 with a shock that it went for that alone, two percent of the volume of Distribution. In other words, If the Six percent requirement at the end of three percent remained, accounted for only two percent on the high earners and the Rest of the employees would receive a percent more. This will not work, which is why the new level, probably in steps, is introduced. That’s especially Berlin and the East countries, because more than half of the employees, the benefit of the new level 6, employees of teacher. The there are, however, especially in Eastern Germany and Berlin, in the Western countries, however, the majority of teachers are civil servants.
Michael Kollatz-Ahnen (SPD), the financial Senator of Berlin, Photographed in the staircase of his Mike Wolff
The fall of Berlin makes the negotiations extra-complicated
The special topic level 6, complicated the negotiations – and for Kollatz-Ahnen the Kita-issue. The Berlin-based educators covered under the collective bargaining agreement of the countries in the area of States subject to the collective agreement of the municipalities. In the spring of 2015, there was a protracted conflict to appreciation of the day – care centre working with a variety of strikes, a failed mediation, and at the end of an income increase of four percent for the daycare workers. These percentages want the Berlin teachers now, in addition to the “normal” income increase. For Kollatz-Ahnen also, this is only conceivable in stages.
The Berlin-based Senator is so for various reasons, in a difficult Situation: As a negotiator, he needs to find a compromise, and each of the 15 länder (excluding Hesse); as Finance Minister, he has inherited the Berlin problem: The capital’s only been a couple of years back a member of the TdL, and approaches slowly to the tariff level of the other provinces; in the coming December, for the country employees, a salary Supplement, then the final stage of 98.5 to 100 percent. The concerns of the employees.
in Berlin, officials are still five percent below the Rest of the Republic, particularly striking are the differences of Bavaria, with around ten per cent. A fire Department official in Berlin gets even almost twelve percent less money than a fire Department official in Munich. Without the comparatively good pay Berlin will be able to staff the gaps in the public service does not include. The Kollatz-and-white ancestor. After the last collective bargaining agreement two years ago, the result was transferred to the Berlin officials, and 0.85 percent, to come closer to the level of other countries. Over the term of the collective agreement of two years, the staff increased costs in the public service of Berlin, a total of around 130 million euros.
“The cake needs to be larger,” says Verdi
this time, it is likely that a collective bargaining agreement with a term of two years, to be able to work with various level of increases work. And over two years the unions will be in the direction of six percent, which accounts for nearly one Million workers in the country a total of 2.3 billion euros. In the case of the Transfer of the officials and the additional burden for the States amounts to around seven billion euros. Fare increases hurt the countries, particularly because more than 40 percent of their income for personnel are used, in the municipalities there are 30 per cent by the Federal government even less.
If nearly every second Euro is spent in tax revenue for the staff, “then the money is missing elsewhere”, argue that the Tsp’s negotiator. Understand that the trade unions and demand more money for the public service. “The cake needs to be larger,” says Verdi. As measured by the gross domestic product, the Federal Republic of Germany have just under ten percent, “the cheapest form of public service in the EU”. So higher taxes on high incomes, wealth and inheritance, such as Verdi chief Frank Bsirske for years calls, and already there is enough money for a larger and better paid public service. This is not, however, in the hands of the Berlin Finance Senator.

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