The Green week is not just a “food fair” and a showcase for the food industry. In Berlin, thousands of “agricultural turn” on the road. In addition, there are other political messages.

farmers and peasants, under the 7. “We are tired of it!”-Demonstration on the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin.
photo: dpa
Berlin. Under the slogan “We are fed up!” have more than demonstrated 10 000 people in Berlin against the “agricultural industry” and for a fundamental reorientation of agriculture. Roll down to the Protest in parallel to the agricultural trade fair Green week of tractors in the capital.
Around 100 organizations, including associations of conventional and organic farmers, as well as animal rights and environmental activists had called for. Federal agricultural Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) has called for necessary improvements to a “community of action” with the farmers. Ministers from more
The start of the Demonstration formed a convoy, which according to the operator information 130 tractors involved. On a Transparent “agricultural corporations – hands off our food” or “Peasant agriculture”. The organizers spoke of around 18 000 participants and the police of more than 10 000. The train from Potsdamer Platz to the Brandenburg gate. Politicians of the Greens took part. The Protest was also directed against mass animal farming and “dumping of exports” of food. What is needed is a stop of the Mega-mergers in the agricultural sector, as well as incentives for farmers who keep animals, especially species-appropriate and environmentally-friendly economies.
Schmidt said for more animal welfare and lower use of Fertilizers must also be a fight. “It will not be able to stay as it is.” Those who believe in “revolutionary acts”, overlooked, however, that improvements under the rolling wheel would have to be achieved. “The core task of the agriculture, food security is and remains.”
Similarly argued against demonstrators at the Berlin Central station. There are around 700 people and 50 tractors came together according to the organizers. They threw the “We are fed up”Demonstration defamation. Their slogan was “We make you sick”. It is the priority task “to produce food in sufficient quantity and safer quality resources,” said a spokeswoman. “This is forgotten in the social and political discussions today, unfortunately, much too often.”
In the case of a conference of agriculture Ministers on the sidelines of the Green week the government were representatives from 83 countries for a more responsible use of scarce water on the earth. “Without water, there can be no food security,” said Schmidt as host. Farmers were faced with the task to produce more food with less water. For such impurities should be avoided. The Director-General of the food and agriculture organization (FAO), José Graziano da Silva, warned in the face of climate change increased conflict for water additions in Asia and Africa.
(dpa) To the start page

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