Sunday, January 22, 2017

After the postponement of the opening date : The most pressing problems of the BER – daily mirror

At the new capital airport and flies to the leaders, once again, everything around the ears. The opening was canceled, on the site there are dramatic setbacks. Between the Supervisory Board, the Airport Manager Karsten mill field and the owners of Berlin, Brandenburg and Federal conflicts. What is the opening date, the problems on the Terminal site and the crisis management after the recent bad news? An Overview:

opening date

in 2017, is cancelled. But when it then goes wrong with the airport? Berlin and Brandenburg, put pressure on the airport’s chief Karsten mill field, to create clarity. Mill field had previously declared that it is in the case of a cancellation of 2017 “at the earliest in March 2018″. Although the BER-Chef in 2019 or 2020, a more accurate date in the year 2018 he wants to date but not set. “We are consulting with the Supervisory Board,” he says. The Committee meets next on 7. February.

Explicitly refers to the mill box, but again, specific milestones that need to be done in order to get a safe date for the opening of call: Since the completion of the terminal, which was scheduled for January 2017, and now is burst, and the for 27. The expected last BER building permit. To the extent of the delays in the mill field are so far covered. This would be – particularly after the experiences with the non-functioning doors and a small sprinkler system – the completion of the technical commissioning in at least a part of the passenger terminal is needed. In this scenario, mill field might be called before the summer 2017 opening date.

The site

The Supervisory Board of Berlin Regierendem mayor Michael Müller (SPD) was not surprised by the problems with the automatic doors and the sprinkler system. In the documents for the meeting of the Supervisory Board on 2. December 2016, it was said literally: “The doors represent in terms of the TIBN (Technical operation), currently the most critical trade, since the works were not completed in time, and the Bosch promised capacity is not sufficient for a compensation. One of Bosch’s promised increase should be carried out as planned, can be completed in the TIBN of the doors in accordance with the specifications of the framework schedule."

mill field stressed on Sunday on the demand, the risk had been known. It had materialized over the Christmas and early January, because the company had not sent the promised additional forces. Comparisons with the ruptured opening of the 2012 mill field is inappropriate. At that time, the doors are not finished and not been connected. “Today, all fitted and connected.” Problems with the activation, because it was in the course of the remediation of damage, for example, because the automatic doors were partially wedged.

For the past ten years, the BER is

1 of 36photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa05.09.2016 09:01A passenger boarding bridge, in the empty flying field, 2012.

Even with the sprinkler system, the renovation has consequences: In the last few years are connected to the Terminal of around 800 spaces subsequently to the Smoke extraction and fire protection facility and about 25,000 sprinkler heads have been installed, which results because of the additional ramifications to printing problems. Tubes now need to be retrofitted. However, the Technical commissioning has begun, is not done once to ten percent. The actual Tests of the overall system, where smoke extraction, sprinkler system, door and window openings precisely tuned for each fire scenario must function are still to come.

Against this Background, the impact grows after the return of the Supervisory Board’s displeasure about the technology chief Jörg Marks, the don’t have the site, apparently in the grip. Mill field refers to the complexity of the terminal redevelopment: “The replacement of one single Person alone would not change the problems.”

The money

The postponed opening of the new Airport, its at a standstill a month, around 17 million euros in costs, the financial impact. To make matters worse, BER revenue, formerly reckoned with, the absence of a month to 13 million euros. That makes around a Million euros lost per day delay.

the airport has recently been a financial peak of 2.2 billion euros, of which 1.1 billion for the completion and the other half for first extensions as well as financing costs, are to be used. Everything was scheduled, so it is also in the EU-Commission published the permission to read, to make an opening in the second half of 2017, calculates a delay of six months. A one-year postponement will cost 400 million euros.


are a Hindrance, as it often is at BER, communication deficits at all levels. Between Supervisory Board Chairman Müller and mill field, which had been criticised at the weekend by Müller even publicly: “We do not want to accept any longer to be executed.” It is an open secret that both have no wire to each other. Also between the owners of Berlin, Brandenburg and the Federal it, hooks the votes do not run around. This makes the departure in addition to uncertain.


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