Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The ADAC is allowed to retain its Association status – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

In addition to the club and the limited company was created as the third pillar of the non-profit ADAC Foundation.

The district court in Munich has confirmed the club’s status in the ADAC. A deletion from the register of associations will be rejected, and the principle of examination procedures will be set, informed the court on Tuesday. A business operation of the Association could not be found. The ADAC had outsourced its commercial activities, in the meantime, in a joint stock company whose Board of Directors is of the instructions independently.

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The ADAC had reformed after the detection of manipulations by the car price “Yellow angel” in 2014. In order to receive the Association’s status with tax benefits and volunteering, he separated his insurance and the publishing business. In addition to the club and the limited company was created as the third pillar of the non-profit ADAC Foundation, which takes care of air rescue and road safety education.

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