stuck to Unpaid bills, growing debts: Straight in the middle and young Generation, many people in Germany are in financial Need. The Older get, meanwhile, by a decrease in pension levels and rising Rents in distress.
a Total of 235 billion euros from currently, such as the credit rating Agency Creditreform said. Around one in Ten is, therefore, financially in the terminal.
Middle Generation is greatly affected
about 6.85 million people, with 131,000 more than the prior year are Affected in this country. Currently, it is mainly Younger and more citizens with middle-aged problems with over-Indebtedness. However, the Elderly are increasingly in financial trouble.
the 70-Year-olds, the increase was 16.4 per cent, or 25 000 cases of the strongest in the current debtor statistics. Around 174 000 senior citizens in Germany are classified as over-indebted. With a rate of 1.3 percent in the proportion of Elderly compared to other age groups, although low, but experts warn of a significant increase in poverty in old age.
Declining pensions, rising Rents
“The Trend is clearly upwards,” says Professor Ute Klammer, an expert on poverty of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Reason, a decline in pension level, and with rising Rents. In addition, many retirees were surprised that you would have to pay on their pensions now. Higher divorce rates and changing family situations have led often to stress.
Increasing poverty in old age about a former self-employed were affected after a Bankruptcy of your company or many years of Housewives without enough of your own hedge, explains political scientist Antonio Board Schneider from the research Institute for social development in Düsseldorf. Risk groups were also former guest workers and the labour market, losers of the transition.
Too little counselling services
“have lived The least of these people wasteful,” says Brettschneider. Often wrong led choices in middle age in the later misery. Also the current financial problems of many of today’s 50 – to 55-Year-old would soon be in over-Indebtedness of retirees. Exacerbated the Problem due to a lack of counselling for over-indebted consumers.
most of the financial problems of the middle Generation is concerned. Almost one in five (19 per cent) of 30 to 39 is over-indebted-Year-old. In the case of the Younger, under 30 years of credit reform reported, however, declining Numbers. Especially with Successes in the fight against the “hard” over-indebtedness cases, i.e. those with legal consequences, a reduction in the quota this year by 1.7 percent to 14.5 percent.
more Pessimistic Outlook
For the future is that the credit reporting Agency, however, pessimistic. Despite the robust labour market and good economic situation of many people

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