The pilots want to go on strike on Wednesday.
(photo: Reuters)
Frankfurt/Berlin, passengers of Lufthansa will have to set up again on flight cancellations. The pilots of the Airline have for this Wednesday (23. November) to the next strike will be called. You want to cripple the air transport on Long – and short-haul Lufthansa as the Union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) announced on Monday in Frankfurt. Affected all flights to and from Germany.
for Tuesday by the trade Union Verdi, the cabin of the subsidiary eurowings, Hamburg, and Düsseldorf employees for a strike called. The Federal Executive Board informed on Monday in Berlin. At both locations, the employees are to lay down five o’clock in the morning until 20 o’clock the work. There are around 140 aircraft movements are planned.
Despite several months of negotiations could be made with the Executive Board of eurowings so far, no collective bargaining agreement. Already in October at the Lufthansa-subsidiary to strikes, which were, however, the trade Union Ufo. The two unions compete for the representation of cabin employees.
On Tuesday, have to adjust to customers of Euro wings, the start of Düsseldorf, or Hamburg, to strike.
(photo: Reuters)
The pilot strike was the wrong way to go, said the Lufthansa. The VC will be your responsibility as a collective partner, if you ignore the multiple offered arbitration. Lufthansa is working with high pressure on a replacement flight plan and want to rebook the affected passengers as far as possible.
The Vice-Chairman of the Union faction in the Bundestag, Michael Fuchs (CDU), proposes an external mediation: “if Necessary, both sides should not ignore the possibility of a conciliation procedure,” said Fuchs, the German newspaper Handelsblatt. “The duration of strikes must be avoided out of consideration for the economy and citizens.”
It is now
Under the strikes in the air travel suffered especially, but also third parties, “the German economy and the passengers immediately”, said the CDU politician. “Should be strike in addition, Lufthansa Cargo, the damage for the German economy is even greater.” The economy and the citizens were, therefore, “for a swift agreement certainly grateful,” said Fox.
It is the 14. Strike in the ongoing labor dispute, for the first Time in April 2014, the strike had been. This Time it focuses solely on the collective salaries of approximately 5400 pilots of Lufthansa, Lufthansa Cargo and subsidiary Germanwings.
The pilot tariff increases in demand of 22 percent over a period of five years until April 2017. The pilot Union Vereinigung Cockpit had rejected on the previous Wednesday, as the company’s proposal to enter into a conciliation open salary negotiations. Also other collective subjects such as the transition pensions are still unresolved. The previous collective bargaining agreement expired at the end of April 2012, but with unchanged rate salaries.
The VC, the required annual tariff increase amounted to 3.66 percent. This requirement was subject to the majority of wage demands of other unions in the comparable period. “Lufthansa has for years, very good Pay. After the record result in the past financial year, the group controls in 2016 again on an outstanding result. The group’s Board of management and the Supervisory Board see it the same way, the basic salary increase of the Executive Board of up to 30 percent, and the still greater increase of the Supervisory Board remuneration in the past years," said VC Board member Joerg Handwerg.
Lufthansa has offered a pay increase of 2.5 per cent for 20 months extended period of time until the end of 2018. The company had tried last week, the threat of a pilot strike with a mediation at the last Minute to avert. In addition to the salary question, other collective issues such as pensions, and transition care are still unresolved.

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