Berlin/Schönefeld. For a speedy completion of the new capital airport BER has provided the airport company and the construction companies of premiums in view. “We pay acceleration premiums,” said an airport spokesman on Sunday, the Berliner Morgenpost. It was in the construction industry for major projects, a completely common practice. It is the award to be examined legally and safely. First, the “Bild am Sonntag had reported” on the premiums. Accordingly, the Board of management bonus payments in the millions have been offered for the case that the remaining work on the airport are completed in early 2017. Then the airport could be opened in the coming year.
To the amount of the bonuses and the Details of the agreement would not comment on the airport speakers. He pointed out that a bonus payment which does not exceed, in relation to the total price of the compensation to the value of five percent, whether the award is legally permissible. The premiums relating to construction projects, which are in direct connection with the completion of the BER, said the spokesman. You should create an incentive for an acceleration. Such premiums are, for example, from the construction of motorways is known, the Berlin Senate paid you in the past year, the Expansion of the Berlin section of the A 10 as well as 2012 at the Avus-remediation.
observers expect a further postponement of the airport opening. The Chairman of the transport Committee in the Bundestag Martin Burkert (SPD), following a site visit in October, the planned opening by the end of 2017. Two external consulting firms, however, had determined on behalf of the airport company, the appointment was “technically feasible”.
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