Almost all of the large German car manufacturer and the US company Ford, have agreed on the construction of 400 quick-charging stations for electric cars. BMW, Daimler, Ford and Volkswagen brands Audi and Porsche signed a corresponding Memorandum of understanding for the establishment of a joint venture, all equally involved. This is the car maker announced on Tuesday together. Not with the Volkswagen-core brand, VW, and Opel. With the construction of the ultra-fast charging stations on motorways and Express roads is to be started in the first quarter of 2017. The community project, which aims to boost the sluggish demand for E-cars in Germany, were complicated negotiations.
The car manufacturers are under significant pressure, because they have to meet after 2020, stricter emission standards in Europe. Without a significant proportion of electric cars in the new cars sales in the EU Commission’s mandatory CO2 limits are not to create. It is a high penalty payments.
how Much the manufacturer will invest is open
The network of publicly-accessible, super-fast charging points, with a load capacity of up to 350 kilowatts, are expected to grow by 2020 to a few thousand columns. The charging network will be based on the Combined Charging System (CCS), to create according to the will of the German automotive corporations in Europe, the basis for a uniform plug-in connection. Vehicles with a serial CCS connection, however, there is still.
How much the manufacturer will invest in building the infrastructure, is open. The aim of the project is to make electric mobility more attractive, because E-cars will in the future be charged within a few minutes and as long distances. Currently, electric cars with a range of not more than 200 kilometers, on the market. The manufacturers have announced that vehicles with greater range.
The expansion plans of the new consortium to run parallel to the projects of the Federal Minister of transport Alexander Dobrindt (CSU), 400 fast-charging stations for electric vehicles at motorway rest areas. To improve the charging infrastructure, the Federal government provides 300 million euros until 2020, two – thirds of fast-charging stations. The auto makers follow the example of the E-car pioneer Tesla, which operates worldwide, more than 700 charging stations to nearly 5000 of each of the Charging stations.
“A wide and high-performance charging infrastructure for the success of electro-mobility,” said Matthias Wissmann, President of the car Federation VDA. “The breakthrough of E-mobility requires mainly two things: compelling vehicles and an area-wide charging infrastructure,” said Daimler chief Dieter Zetsche. BMW CEO Harald Krüger said it was a “significant milestone”.
auto companies download
at the end of October, around 30,000 purely electric-powered vehicles were on German roads. Added to that were some ten thousand to the wall outlet, rechargeable Plug-in Hybrids, which have in parallel with a combustion engine on Board, but when electric cars will be counted.
The statistics shows that electric mobility is given of a vehicle population of 40 million cars is still a marginal phenomenon in Germany. Since may, entitled state purchasing premium (“environment bonus”) in the amount of 4000 Euro (private buyer) per E-car has not changed anything. Just 5800 premiums were paid until the end of October by the Federal office of Economics and export control – 123, at E-car-buyer from Berlin. The funding pot is enough, theoretically, for 400 000 electric cars. A Million should be approved in less than five years, according to the will of the Federal government in this country. 2020 is also the year apply of the to stricter CO2 targets for gasoline and Diesel in the EU. Time is of the essence, therefore, want to risk the German manufacturer of large and high-powered sedans with no high penalty payments.
With the sobering interim balance sheet and wants to make the car industry now closing. The on Tuesday announced a Joint-Venture between BMW, Daimler, Ford, Porsche, and Audi for the construction of 400 quick-charging stations along the main traffic arteries in Europe is to help to
Recharge it for the long haul
“We shall ensure that our customers can also charge to cover long distances with your electric car,” said a Daimler spokeswoman on Tuesday. The companies are not interested in an exclusive island solution, offering, for example, the US manufacturer Tesla to its customers. “We just come up with something to the Community to your destination. We are open to all." Talks on an extension to the planned Joint Ventures would be managed, including from foreign manufacturers. “You know,” said Daimler spokeswoman.
How remarkable it is that the companies act now, together, so many open questions. To the amount of their Investments, the companies were silent on Tuesday, as well as to the question of whether or not you will benefit from state funding. Because the Federal government wants to spend 300 million euros for the construction of 400 charging stations, two-thirds of which is for fast charging stations. “Promotion is our goal,” said Daimler spokeswoman. It was clear, however, that the project must not be a subsidy business. “We see this as an Investment and do not have the electricity for free.” Also, Tesla stopped the Free supply of electricity, and invites new customers in the future for the Fund.
Not is also decided who will build the charging stations (including peripherals), operated and supplied with power. The energy suppliers have not engaged so far in the construction of the infrastructure, because there is no business model in sight. Now the car companies go on the Offensive. So the infrastructure should be put out to tender and the construction of national and regional electricity suppliers are awarded. “There’s still some discussions lead to,” it says.
load, so Far, only 150 of the quick points
at mid-year, the German Association of energy and water industries (BDEW), counted nationwide in just 6500 individual load points (around 2600 columns) – set up by local authorities and energy suppliers, but in the meantime also by supermarket chains. According to the auto Association VDA, there are in addition, but only 150 fast-charging points. The 000 conventional tanker to stations in Germany, with a correspondingly larger number of pumps are about 14. “The car manufacturers not do well to rely on power companies and government,” says Ferdinand Dudenhöffer from the CAR-Institute.
“So that E-cars are in the future for longer journeys, there has to be, especially on highways fast enough charging stations,” said VDA President Matthias Wissmann. Due to the lack of range especially in the city transport was considered the preferred location for electric cars. The highest density of charging points can be found in major cities such as Berlin (530 charging points/260 columns) and Hamburg.
The German car maker does not want to herzufahren stand out also in the case of the performance of Tesla, to create the impression, behind the US competitors. Instead of the 120 kilowatts of power charging, the Tesla offers, will offer their charging stations to 350 kW. In order for E-car should be able to charge batteries in only a few minutes to 80 percent. To a normal socket that takes up to eight hours. In addition, the auto companies put on the in Europe as a Standard thought CCS plug. This allows Charging with direct and alternating current and is equipped with various systems compatible. “This is an important step,” says Dudenhöffer. But: “it’s a Pity that it happened so late.” a (dpa)

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