Monday, November 28, 2016

Telekom-Router error: The you can do in case of Internet problems – MIRROR ONLINE

hundreds of thousands of fixed-network access customers of Deutsche Telekom have been able to since Sunday on the Internet. Nationwide users complain about the failure of their connections for telephone, Internet and television. Affected, apparently, certain models of routers.

The group is believed to recent findings, according to a hacker’s attack. “We assume that to the Router from the outside influence was taken,” a spokesman said. In the current case, the Telekom is the tip to disconnect the Router from the network. Read here what is in mind in the event of trouble.

What helps in the current case, the Telecom fault?

power Off, power on, continue surfing: So it is done in the current case, the promise of the Telecom. The cause of the current fault is a Problem specific Router is to the group, according to models when dialling into the network. Who has home problems with the Internet, you should restart the Router. A Telecom advises speakers to take the device from the power and wait at least three seconds. After that, the Router can be connected again – that should be enough to fix the Problem.

What to do in principle, if the Internet is working at home?

The first step in this case should be always a view to the Router, says Thorsten Neuhetzki from the online portal “”. The devices have glow in the rule-of-Control, with which the connection with the network check. “Not a light in there anything that lights up, otherwise, there is probably a fault,” says the expert. Similar as in the current case, a Router reboot is always a good idea. “Broken, nothing can go.” Also this does not help, stay mostly just patience.

What to do if the warning lights are in order?

Even computer rule number one comes in: A reboot is almost wrong never. Finally, it can be disturbed in place of the connection between the Router and the Internet between the Router and the device. Users should

therefore first examine whether or not they come with other devices to the Internet – and in case of doubt, in addition to the Router, the computer, Tablets, and other devices off and on again. So all the devices involved have a new opportunity to connect with each other.

What if the fault is not in the apartment?

Who can surf on other routes in the network, for example via a Smartphone over the mobile network, should according to the sufferers are looking for. “In the case of larger stuff, there are often on Facebook or Twitter, the appropriate notifications,” says Neuhetzki. Otherwise, a call to the customer service of the Provider is worthwhile. In the case of extensive failures of the mostly white already know, in the case of small problems, he can help but also. The employees can check, for example, at a distance, whether in the basement or on the way to the house the line is disturbed, says Neuhetzki and then a solution to help.

customer in case of a fault are entitled to compensation?

“Generally speaking, the consumer a refund claim for the failure of the conditional period,” says Henrik Egli, a lawyer at the consumers Central Rhineland-Palatinate. According to most of the General terms and conditions (GTC) of the Provider, customers will have to accept minor failures. It is only when the Internet goes down for longer, people can demand a part of your monthly fees back.

Who of business failures has been due to the router problems, it should also be possible claims for damages in check, says Egli. Another tip: “In any case, the disturbances to be documented and the provider report. As an alternative to a refund, then a replacement tract may be required.” A surf stick, with the consumer to the solution of the problem to the Internet can go, for example.


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