Thursday, November 24, 2016

Discounts, Discounts, Discounts?: Bargain days of the trade Stuttgarter Nachrichten

By Jacqueline Vieth

Some of the Hä& curls with a whole week full of deals for Black Friday. Photo: Getty
and Some entice traders with a whole week full of deals for Black Getty

especially when Shopping Online you will find more often on the Black Friday. What is it with the day, and the importance it has in Germany?

Stuttgart – Halloween and Valentine’s day. Many phenomena are already spilled over from the United States to Germany over. So, the Black Friday. In the USA, it marks the start of the Christmas shopping season and is traditionally held on the Friday after the American thanksgiving, Thanksgiving. Retailers promote this day with great discount offers. Many Americans use the long weekend to do Christmas shopping. It regularly long queues and Chaos in the stores. Originally, the Name of American police officers is to come from Philadelphia, the Smog and the exhaust fumes on shopping and, therefore, traffic-Packed day in the city have described.

“Black Friday is not here yet so popular,” says Stefan Hertel from the German trade Association, “also, the Christmas season starts here already in the beginning of November”. Torsten Bornemann, chair of General business administration and Marketing at the University of Stuttgart, speaks of a family event and a strong Ritualization in America: “It is a unique Event in the United States. I can’t imagine that it is obtained in Germany, ever the same meaning." He believes, rather, that the traders import the Event to designate a special day in the “Discount

jungle”, where the customers have the feeling of the discounts really worth going. Because many people have the feeling that there is already long-lasting price discounts.

Not just online retailers when Black Friday

offers are there especially in the Internet. A quarter of the Online merchants in Germany is to be the Black Friday. A survey by the trade Association and the E-Commerce-center Köln in the year 2015. The Black Friday is taking place in this country, particularly in online shops, but also the stationary trade is jumping on the train. The store chain Kaufhof, for example, has ushered in a whole “black week”. Also, the Stuttgart shopping center Milaneo to entice you with discounts to customers and celebrates “Your super friday”. They distance themselves consciously from the concept of Black Friday to get brand name legally no problems, it is part of the company.

The term as a word mark is protected. The Black Friday GmbH holds all rights to the brand and lists on the Website, hundreds of Shops participating in the discount battle. In addition to the Black Friday in the United States has its origin in the stationary trade, the following Monday is the Cyber Monday. On this day, the Christmas business, which is ushered in with the discounts begin for the Online trading. In Germany, the Cyber Monday will be taken. Amazon celebrates even an entire Cyber-Monday-week.

expert sales record expected at the weekend

experts expect the Black Friday weekend with a new record in the German Online retail sector. According to a forecast given by the Online marketplace RetailMeNot is in order, could crack the sales at the weekend, the One-billion-Euro mark. So a turnover of 1.08 billion euros for the entire weekend forecast of 360 million euros on Friday alone. For Monday it is expected to be 405 million euros, even once a increase. For comparison: last year, sales were on the weekend at 924 million euros. This would mean a growth of more than 18 percent.

the for in 2016, of RetailMeNot’s expected revenue in the Online trading (62.5 billion euros), we calculated an average value of 685 million Euro for four days. It makes a difference of more than 450 million euros in comparison to the expected sales on Black Friday weekend. Stefan Hertel from the trade Association sees great potential for the bargain days, but it also says: “It stands and falls with the acceptance of the customer”. It could develop in both directions. Summer and winter sales had a long Tradition in Germany, and an immense advertising value. So Black Friday and Cyber Monday not able to keep up.


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