Thursday, November 24, 2016

The coalition seem to agree: Equal pensions in East and West up to 2025 –

the Union and the SPD have dead bodies under the Convention, the Agency, voice reports, it has been agreed that pensions in East and West Germany up to 2025 suit. Also in the case of the disability pension and the occupational pensions should change something.

the CDU and the SPD have dead bodies under the Convention, the Agency, voice reports, it has been agreed that pensions in East and West Germany up to 2025 suit. Thus, the pensions are expected to be much slower to align than in the past.

in addition, the coalition in to your pension summit also agreed on improvements for people with a disability pension. These improvements were completed in the years 2018 to 2024. Quickly adopted the already-agreed Reform of the operation is to be pensions.

As expected, at the Meeting of the coalition tips with Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), the Union faction leader Volker Kauder and labour Minister

Andrea Nahles (SPD) of the “large litter”. That said, in the Contrary to the first announcements, none of the politicians commenting on the Meeting, the two and a half hour.

No agreement, there was, apparently, in the coalition agreement, promised solidarity pension for long-standing contributors with a Mini-pensions. This would be considered “different models”, – stated in a decision, the Reuters news Agency.

On Friday plans to submit to the Minister Nahles actually, your pension concept. What is given of the meeting in the Chancellor’s office from this date, is unclear.


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