Lufthansa passengers should be set so slow a certain strike Routine: Today the struggle of the pilots 816 is due to the work of short-haul flights, in the morning, also the long range is affected. Their legal opposition to the strikes, Lufthansa gave up first.
Lufthansa will have to adjust to a strike break, the pilots once again on massive flight cancellations. This Tuesday 816 Connections on short-haul flights are likely to fall, as the airline announced. Affected flights departing from Germany.
conceded Shortly before the beginning of the new pilots ‘ strike, Lufthansa to court, once again, a setback. The request of the Lufthansa on the prohibition of the strike action by the pilots ‘ Union Cockpit today and on Wednesday, the labour court of Munich dismissed. A complaint before the court of appeal the legal representative of Lufthansa in the evening, went back after one hour negotiation. A Lufthansa spokeswoman spoke of “legal reasons” for the step, did not want to comment.
another strike stage begins. Since midnight, the pilots put on short-haul flights of Lufthansa your work – go on strike for 24 hours. On Wednesday a one-day strike on Short – and long-haul. Overall, the Airline line for the two-day 1700 in Europe and overseas connections. 180,000 passengers will need to
flights of the subsidiaries Eurowings and Germanwings, as well as of the group companies, AUA, Swiss, Brussels, Air Dolomiti are not on strike.
Last week had put the pilots the work from Wednesday to Saturday. Around 350,000 passengers were affected. Including the two upcoming days the number is expected to rise to more than half a Million.
Cockpit calls for the 5400 pilots of 3.7 percent in the year – including payments for four years. Lufthansa offers 0.7 percent over a term of six years. In addition, the Clinch, has been dragging on since April 2014, also to the old – age and early retirement supply to the pilot and the Expansion of the group’s own low cost carrier Eurowings. The fronts are hardened completely: the Last, a Meeting of the Cockpit with Lufthansa-boards brought in on Sunday no agreement.

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