Andrea Nahles always thought that the German companies are well organized. That was always your good reputation abroad: The planned, Orderly. After the Minister of labour visited for months, establishments, experts, and opinions read had discussed, no longer thinks so. “The structures are much too rigid and Patriarchal,” she said on Tuesday, as she presented the white paper to Work on 4.0 and on the management culture of the language.
The SPD politician wants to make Germany fit for the digital upheavals of this time. 3D printers are not “technical spinning mills more”, but a reality. What warns you is the prophecy of the end of the work. Already in 1978, the “mirror, have headline” “The Computer Revolution: progress unemployed”. Instead of to fear, politics, business and social partners in the shaping of what is happening, and the people declare. “We have to take the Chance on a century of progress,” said Nahles.
training is enormous, there are important
in the world of work, which will always be technological to, is a “right to training” one of your goals. The Federal Agency for employment should in the future also advise Employees at the time of qualification. If the risk is increasing in the future, that Knowledge is out-of-date, and life-long Learning a necessity, had to be the unemployment insurance to employment insurance.
in addition, the self-employed should be given a duty to the statutory pension insurance. Digital platforms – a provider of apartments or travel services are becoming more and more powerful. Only you employ often, Solo-self-employed persons who are not covered by social security.
more Flexible is to Work tried
another focus of the topic of flexible working. Nahles suggests a “choice of hours of work act”, to provide employees with more options for working time and place. In a two-year trial period, the employer and the employee should be able to, in large and small companies, a number of Alternatives to Eight-hour-day and test agree. Possible breaks for child care, the home office in the evening or the end of the work beyond the statutory scheme. “I
For the pilot project wants to let Nahles in the German Cabinet, an experimental clause, to say goodbye. At the same time, Nahles makes it clear: rest periods are more necessary! It’s just getting “normal”, will adjust the working time to certain phases of life, she said. “Working time differentiation, this is a clear Trend. A So-and-So-much-hours-week for all of us today is not the issue." The white paper also speaks of a right to a home office. Employer President Ingo Kramer holds the modernisation of the working time regulations in the light of the digital Revolution for long overdue. A Reform of the law on Working hours was in the “interest of the company and as regards the compatibility of family and profession of the workers”.
Close Alternative to a basic income
Nahles, a personal acquisition is also in favour of operating account with a starting balance. Instead of an unconditional basic income has been discussed for a long time and tested. All citizens should be at the Start of the work a personal and working life will receive active account with a starting balance. This wage should be failures in training, start-up, part-time-phase or time-outs are compensated. The employer’s President objected to on the stage quite quickly. Nahles would not say where the money should come from for a working account. “It is not important that something impacted the next Generation,” said Kramer.
From the trade Union point of view, said DGB chief Reiner Hoffmann, Nahles set with white paper on the right priorities. It is, however, that the employees could use the game rooms also. A “Work-4.0-law,” said Nahles, won’t submit. Have shown the debate of the past few months, but how different the demands and needs of tomorrow.

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