Tuesday, November 22, 2016

First plans announced: Donald Trump wants to get out of TPP – Handelsblatt

America First: Trump can view via announced a video message of his concrete plans

New YorkWho wants to know how Donald Trump, the US wants to make, now a two and a half minutes long Video. America’s future President, he remains true to himself. America first, Jobs are the most Important, the messages I put no questions:. The President-elect, he prefers the monologue.

In the cast of her Cabinet were former US President is also not faster, on the contrary. But the big difference to Barack Obama, the Bush presidents, Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan: you have the choice of a dispute about the content and positions. They were not only staging to be visible, and you were sitting far up isolated in a tower over New York.

Trump has given in months, no real press conference. Of the few Appointed his Cabinet itself is up to drought Statements in which they affirm the offered Items, nothing to listen to. On Monday, Trump top representatives of all the major networks met behind closed doors. Some say it was a disaster, the other talk about progress. On Tuesday, now he wants to allow the New York Times, of a wider media encounter, as before, not a speech.

This is the free trade agreement TPP

  • After seven years of negotiations, the USA agreed with eleven trading partners around the Pacific, creating the largest free trade zone in the world. The agreement on the TRANS-Pacific partnership (TPP) was signed in February 2016 in Auckland, but is not yet ratified by all States.

  • the contract partners are the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, new Zealand, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. In particular, China is not. The TPP countries represent 800 million people and 40 percent of the world economy.

  • In the contract zone should almost fall all customs and import barriers, the copyright and trademark rights to be protected and minimum standards for the protection of the environment and workers ‘ rights. The agreement also regulates financial services and transactions.

  • critics of the minimum

standards do not go far enough. They argue that the agreement is designed to profit maximization, multinational enterprises and the poor remained on the track. In addition, the conflict resolution authorize procedures for the corporations to sue States, the usual legal process is over in a third country.

source: Reuters

Trump over days to see how he takes off the Parade of potential candidates, has the Monarch. And yet His Approval ratings are increased: 46 percent say in a survey conducted by the portal Politico, you would now Trump a wholly or mainly positive view. Nine points more than the election. His first Video is expected to change that, it’s what you’d call presidential. And with the TV there is no Dialog.

Washington’s reform, the medium-sized businesses rebuild, and create Jobs, the trade agreement TPP terminate – all components of Trumps first message. Climate protection will not have a hard, energy companies. The issues of immigration and security Trump remains striking in the Approximate.

business relations with the new US-President: Donald Trump and his problematic business Empire

PremiumHe owns universities in the United States, Hotels in Dubai and to business relations to Russia, we have Never a US President has fought with so many conflicts of interest, such as Donald Trump. Can this be fine? more…

The United States will take place on the first day of the term of office of US President, Trump the TRANS-Pacific trade agreement TPP. The President-elect said in his video message. Trump will do that in the context of a presidential arrangement.

The Republicans, of the 20. January will take over the reins of Barack Obama, had already spoken in the election campaign against the free trade agreement. Trump said also that he would instruct the U.S. Department of labor, the abuses to apply for a Visa to study programs. In addition, he will adopt an arrangement that for every new regulatory requirement, two other must be lifted.

trump’s 100-day Plan lacked, however, his Choice to ‘ declare war on parts of the health reform by the outgoing incumbent Barack to concede Obama and the border wall on the border to Mexico to build. The trade agreement TPP was a centerpiece of the Agenda of U.S. President Barack Obama, who wanted to strengthen the Links between the United States and Asia. The trade agreement between twelve Pacific rim countries should be ratified according to the prior actually, before the end of Obama’s term in office in January by the Congress in Washington.


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