Lufthansa has made the Vereinigung Cockpit is a new offer – now it’s back to a total solution, instead of just the content. What’s the dispute about pilots and the group?
What’s in the current conflict?
With the new offer of the Lufthansa pilot Union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) is again a complete solution to the debate – it goes back to regulations on pension and transition times. Last it was gone, only the remuneration of the Lufthansa pilots. In this point, the new offer proposes a Salary increase of 4.4 percent, as well as a one-off payment of 1.8 monthly salaries.
The Association of the Cockpit, in the 5400 pilots of Lufthansa are organized, demand a much higher salary increase: retroactive pay in five stages, each of one year, to an average of 3.66 percent. Through interest rate effects, the pilots come to a total requirement of 22 percent. This was rejected by Lufthansa and first of all, only a wage increase of 2.5 per cent until the end of 2018 offered.
Why was an agreement so difficult?
“The positions are so far too far,” says the aviation expert Eckhard Bergmann. Since 2012, many topics have been added, you would actually be able to quickly work off. “All of this has accumulated now, the battery”, so Bergmann.
the group has decided to Eurowings as a competitor to low-cost airlines to build, will be beaten in the conflict, have also delayed all the processes, and complicated. “The Lufthansa pilots see their skins to float away,, because you see that growth takes place directly in the parent company,” says Bergmann.
The proposal by Lufthansa to a conciliation Board had rejected the Cockpit. The proposal of Lufthansa was not “schlichtbar”. For compulsory arbitration, in turn, the laws would have to be changed, this was a requirement these days from the CDU. In the new offer of the Lufthansa to the point of Mediation is now included.
How could a
Both sides had tried to September 2016 for months to negotiate the total package, including retirement benefits and Transition payments, as well as the remuneration. That was a failure. A deal is on the table again. Aviation expert miner saw also the possibility that the parties agree, at first, only in the content of the question. “But everything is entangled with everything. If there is one for the pilots, a proportionate good agreement in terms of the content, it is going to expense about the transitional arrangements.”
Bergmann suspected, this 14. Strike round can also be calculated, so that both sides can sell a possible result somehow – the trade Union for its members, the group, the Supervisory Board and the shareholders.
Can hope for the pilots in case of further strikes on the understanding?
Actually, not. Lufthansa pilots have virtually no Lobby, neither inside nor outside the group. Include with entry and top salaries from $ 70,000, respectively, over 200,000 of the best paid employees in the group and to the recipients of the highest pay scales in Germany.
Clear criticism of the current strike came from many sides: The President of the Association of German travel management e. V. (VDR), Dirk Gerdom, called the industrial action “disproportionate” – the Cockpit, carrying the conflict on the backs of business travelers and take an “immense amount of damage to the German economy approvingly.”
The German airport Association said that the strike is to the detriment of the airports and urged the pilots to return to work. The Federal Association of the German tourism industry complained that the labor fight cost the tourism industry “a lot of money, customers and confidence.”

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