Friday, November 25, 2016

Coalition: Nahles wants to guarantee a pension level of 46 per cent – of THE WORLD

Berlin – Federal social Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) wants to guarantee the people in Germany until 2045 a pension level of at least 46 percent. The contribution rate is not to rise to 25 percent.

she presented at the Berlin einlangfristiges pension concept. Disappointed Nahles, it showed that the Union of this “double line” did not vote for a pension summit the day before. “Yesterday was an opportunity missed,” she said.

“We should do everything to ensure that the true level will lie about it”, said Nahles. The goal of a pension level of 48 percent and a contribution rate from a maximum of 24 percent. “I propose a national action plan.” Employment and education should be strengthened. The level of pensions represents the ratio of the standard pension for a year to the average earnings of the contributor in the same year.

all This was not to be had for free, so Nahles. If nothing is done, will fall to the level of pensions from today, around 48 percent to 41.7 percent. From 2030 to be introduced, according to Nahles, a demographic subsidy from tax funds, which is expected to grow by 2040 to 2.5 percent of the pension expenditure.

it is Clear now that the pensions in the East and in the West by 2025, fully aligned. Until then, the higher the evaluation of the Ostlöhne is to end at the pension. The decided Union and the SPD. The full East-West alignment so five years later, as in the coalition agreement. The cost of 3.9 billion euros is to be financed, according to Nahles out of control, but ultimate clarity it gave about the first.

people who have to drop out due to illness earlier from the Job, wants to make the coalition better. The pensions due to reduced capacity to work will in future have to be so calculated, as if they had worked until the age of 65 years, as today, to 62. The improvements should be made in 2018 and 2024. According to the CSU land group chief Gerda Hasselfeldt to be Concerned brings this average of 50 euros more in a month.

The coalition will also strengthen the company pension scheme. A draft law will be rapidly in the Bundestag, adopted.

First of all, not Nahles, with its proposal for a social pension for low-income earners could prevail. Employees should get a retirement income of 10 percent on basic social security, if you had 35 years of contribution periods, even in

the upbringing or care. According to Nahles, the costs up to four billion euros per year.

the Union group chief Volker Kauder (CDU), argued that it should be clarified that someone, the sun just above the base backup, will not be worse off than recipients of basic financial security plus the solidarity pension. This was a “question of justice”. According to Nahles, the coalition is now within two weeks for a solution.

Nahles wants to undertake the self-employed with no retirement in the statutory pension Fund. The Union wool, that private Pension provision is sufficient. “I can’t imagine for the moment that we agree.”

The pension is likely to now be an election issue. Nahles campaigned for their plans as “the most comprehensive overall concept to combat poverty in old age”. According to the no of the Union, in the case of a stop line, this question will stay on the agenda. What do the SPD in the election campaign, but decided “in the Moment”. Kauder pointed to the coalition’s decisions: “in this respect, I don’t see a large combat potential in the case of the pension, which is also good.”

Hasselfeldt said that the CSU will address improvements in the mothers ‘ pension in the election campaign. CSU General Secretary Andreas Scheuer said in the ZDF: “we are in a choice program, that is our demand.” The unions announced in the election campaign, a pension campaign.

Nahles concept of security in old age

current report on decline of the pension level

DGB-pension campaign

IG-metal-pension concept

notification of pension increase to 2016

For the pension insurance report 2015

Annuity reserves

“Süddeutsche Zeitung” about pension insurance report, 2016

the financial development of the pension – Speech Reimann November 2016

significance level of pensions – speech Gunkel November 2016

debate on the Reform of old-age security – speech Buntenbach November 2016




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