Sunday, November 27, 2016

Failed collective bargaining talks: Lufthansa pilots to strike on Tuesday and Wednesday – THE WORLD

date: 27.11.2016 read | write duration: 3 minutes

The labor dispute at Lufthansa has been brewing since April, 2014

source: Reuters

Lufthansa pilots to strike on Tuesday and Wednesday, again, informed the Union Vereinigung Cockpit.

  • On Tuesday, going to strike on the short-haul, and on Wednesday for 24 hours, the Short – and long-range.
  • Prior to this, the pilots had placed the work on Wednesday for four days.

Why this is important:

Previously, the failure of a top-level meeting with the Lufthansa. The labor dispute has been brewing since April 2014.

Lto benefit passengers need to be set up after a strike break on Sunday and Monday back to massive flight cancellations. The pilot Union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) calls on Tuesday and Wednesday for the recusal, announced the organization on Sunday evening.

On Tuesday, should the fleet, all pilots of short-haul, and on Wednesday, all of the pilots of the Short – and long-haul fleet to strike. It’s all of the flights were affected, to depart at this time from Germany. How many flights are expected to be, was not yet known. On the last strike days Lufthansa had responded with a special flight plans on the recusal. The VC announced so far, strikes at least with a lead time of at least 24 hours.

finally, had forced the strike, pilots, Lufthansa on Saturday to the cancellation of 137 flights, including 88 Intercontinental Connections. On Sunday was not a strike “out of respect for the customer”, as the VC had announced. Nevertheless, 35 Compounds were the consequences of the strikes to the victim. For the also strike free Monday, Lufthansa expected to operate in a with a normal flight. Now the Airline has to set up a special flight plan. How the appearance was initially not known


“need to compromise”

might look Like a solution to the deadlocked dispute, is completely open. Lufthansa head of personnel Bettina Volkens had called on the VC on Sunday via newspaper again to talks. “I very much hope that the Vereinigung Cockpit moves away from its intransigent attitude,” said Volkens of the “picture on Sunday”. You have to find a compromise that both partners can live with. “This can’t be due to strike force.”

the pilots of The airline, however, on – from their point of view – “negotiated offer”. Everything that has placed the company in the past on the table, not good enough for the VC. The Cockpit had rejected a Lufthansa offer, and stresses that there is no end date for the strike.

pilots strike on Saturday

In a dispute between the Union Vereinigung Cockpit and Lufthansa is no relaxation in sight. On Friday around 830 flights. Also on Saturday, the Union wants to strike.

source: The world

the contents of The most recent offer had already been two months ago, laid on the table. The whole thing was possibly a PR move, said a VC spokesman. The VC requested tariff increases of 22 percent over the five years to April 2017.

The Union points out that since 2012, no salary increases while the company had retracted billions in profits. Lufthansa had a 4.4 per cent increase in remuneration, offered a one-off payment of 1.8 monthly salaries, as well as the commitment of new hires.

And so should the passengers of Lufthansa in the Advent of further strikes into the house. For the coming Wednesday, the VC has already signed a pilot Demonstration at the Frankfurt airport. Since Wednesday the Airline will slash a total of 2755 flights were affected in total, approximately 345 000 customers. The 35 flight cancellations come a result of Sunday as a Strike.


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