Friday, November 25, 2016

Employers praise annuity rates the coalition as a remarkable – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

pensions in East and West Germany should be offset by 2025 to complete. Then the higher standings of the Ostlöhne should be in the pension completely melted. And: people need to get off for health reasons earlier from the Job and disability pension, should be made better. These are the Central results of the pension meeting of the coalition top on Thursday evening in the Berlin Chancellery.

Germany’s metal-employers have welcomed these results. “It is remarkable how the coalition government is defying populism and is trying to bring peace in the complicated issue of pensions,” said total metal-the main Director Oliver Zander. “Decisions that work for decades and many billions of euros in costs, are to be taken with Caution,” said Zander. “That seems, hopefully, to be the new line.” Expressly metal, welcomed the overall plans for the strengthening of occupational pensions. “A constructive, thorough, but rapid legislative process our request.” For a draft law on the strengthening of occupational pensions, the coalition summit had to give the green light.

the plans of The coalition received the part, but also significant criticism. The CDU-pension expert Peter White expressed disappointment about the results in the case of the disability pension. “Here, you could go bolder,” said the head of the workers ‘ group of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag of the dpa. However, it is well that there should now be further improvements for the people Concerned. Positive response to White on the approximation of the

East to the West

the Left party leader Dietmar Bartsch said the coalition had failed once more to make the pension poverty. FDP-Chef Christian Lindner criticized the CDU and the SPD-loaded with your pension policy is apparently the descendant of generations. “A pension policy that only works for a Generation and the question of financial viability is not answered, is driving a wedge between the generations,” said Lindner.

The CSU is maintaining its call for improvements in the mothers ‘ pension, and, therefore, in the coming election campaign. At the pension summit in the Chancellery, it had given on Thursday evening, no agreement. “We want to decide as a CSU, the last point of the mothers ‘pension, so that full justice is made”, said CSU Secretary-General Andreas Scheuer on Friday in the ZDF-”morning magazine”. “We are in a choice program, that is our demand.”

The CSU is to ensure that mothers who have brought before 1992 children to the world, to be fully equal with mothers with younger children. You should get three instead of only two years of child-rearing time credited. The CDU and the SPD are due to the high cost.


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