Saturday, November 26, 2016

Rügenwalder calls back Teewurst because of Salmonella – MIRROR ONLINE

Salmonella in the Teewurst: The company Rügenwalder warns against the consumption of a particular batch of Product and has started a nationwide recall.

Rügenwalder Teewurst, fine |

DPA/ rügenwalder spezialitäten

Rügenwalder Teewurst, fine |

Because of a Salmonella-funds, the company returns to Walder specialties of rügen, a Teewurst. The product is “affected Walder Teewurst, fine, smoked, 250 g of rügen” with the batch number 346177 and the minimum shelf-life data, 26.12.2016 and 02.01.2017, the company said.

During a routine check had been detected in any sample Salmonella. From the consumption of the products from the affected Batch, will discouraged. This was as a precaution, have been withdrawn from sale.

customers can return the sausage “for a refund of the purchase price, even without presentation of the receipts in your shopping sites”. It is also

possible to send these to the company. According to a spokesperson for the product had been sold nationwide, and mostly in Discount stores.


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