Saturday, November 26, 2016

“The boys have to pay more”: Blüm: Nahles’ pension package is not convinced NEWS

Saturday 26. November 2016

After a long Back and Forth, the coalition reached an agreement on the issue of pension through the rings. Hardly the Deal is home and dry, the barrage of criticism. Among other things, the Ex-Federal labor Ministers from the CDU and the SPD.

The former Federal labor Minister Norbert Blüm holds the Amtsnachfolgerin Andrea Nahles, the required minimum pension level of at least 46 percent is inadequate. “The pension must be higher than the base backup, otherwise, the System loses its legitimacy. A level of 46 percent is not enough”, the CDU-politician.

Nahles presented on Friday its long-term pension concept. In it they demanded, among other things, a solid 46-percent limit, for the currently 48 per cent of the underlying level of pensions. The CDU rejects this, however. Faction leader Volker Kauder pointed out in his speech at the pension summit on the, as yet, by 2030, written Untergenze. The level of pensions represents the ratio of the standard pension for a year to the average earnings of the contributor in the same year.

“Ms. Nahles asks the right question, but your answer doesn’t convince me”, said Blüm. He called for more honesty in the debate. “The boys have to pay more, everything else would be a lie.” Blüm was from 1982 to 1998, the labour Minister in the Cabinet of Chancellor Helmut Kohl. In his political career, the 81-Year-old, especially with the promise of “The pension is safe”.

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Also Blüms direct successor in the Ministry, Walter Riester, all of Nahles, for the period after 2030 is placed on the demographics subsidy from tax funds is critical. “Whoever is doing today as if

the economy and tax revenues continue to grow, is the latest to experience in the next crisis, a rude awakening”, said the SPD politician.

Meanwhile, called on CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer, whose party was a coalition member of the pension package, Nahles to clarify their requirement for a Freeze in the pension level at 46 per cent, also the question of funding. “You can Finance a stable level of pensions only in the form of higher contributions or with more money from the Federal budget. Who wants to do that, you must confess to color”, said Bavaria’s Minister-President.

Also from the SPD, there are critical voices against the new pension package. Thus, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Prime Minister Erwin selle ring, criticized the time for the complete alignment of the East to the West pensions. “It is a disappointment that the pension alignment should be moved to the end of 2025,” he said. The coalition had agreed at their Meeting on Thursday evening in the Chancellery. In the coalition agreement had not yet been assured to reach full alignment by 2020. The responsibility for the delay clearly would be in the case of the Union, said Sellering.




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