Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Marlboro manufacturer: Philip Morris is considering the end of the traditional cigarette – THE WORLD

updated: 15:35 PM | Reading time: 2 minutes

Worldwide, the consumption of cigarettes, goes back for a lot of Fags are from yesterday. Now, not even the Marlboro producer is in the Tenor. In the future, Philip Morris relies on an Alternative.

DMarlboro producer Philip Morris has thought about an exit from the business with traditional cigarettes. Group chief Executive Andre Calantzopoulos said in an Interview, the expectation will prevail over the short or long term alternative forms of tobacco Smoking.

at some point, the producers could be grouped together with governments, a phasing-out period for the classic cigarette in the eye. “I hope the time will soon come,” said Calantzopoulos the British station BBC Radio 4.

in the light of the worldwide decline in cigarette consumption, and tobacco producers is becoming more and more substitute products such as E-cigarettes, in which a flavored liquid is heated. About 145 billion cigarettes were sold in 2002 in Germany, according to data from the Federal Statistical

office, by 2015, only about 81 billion.

Philip Morris relies in this context on the so-called Iqos cigarette. The product is to some extent an intermediate thing between a conventional Cigarette and E-cigarette. The tobacco is not burned, but in an electronic holder only heated. Such cigarettes be sold in Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland and, more recently, in the United Kingdom.

researchers warn of dangers

But healthy often as a “healthy Alternative to cigarettes” – marketed products are apparently by no means. Researchers and health organizations have been warning of the dangers of flavored Liquids. “The great danger in E-cigarettes, the deep and frequent Inhalation of a chemical cocktails, and nobody knows exactly what is in it,” says Martina Pötschke-Langer of the German cancer research center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Germany.

are offered in different flavors, in which the Liquids, can increase the toxicity of E-cigarettes. This is the conclusion of researchers at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo in the U.S. state of New York.

A detailed report on Iqos cigarette, you can find here.


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