Friday, November 25, 2016

dm-employees to purchase special offers at the competition – THE WORLD

updated: 16:16 PM | Reading time: 2 minutes

KKarlsruhe/Munich, Germany – employees of the drugstore, the market leader in dm to buy a report, according to rivals, Rossmann, Müller and co. targeted special offers and put this in the own shelves.

This is the news magazine “Focus” reported in its new issue. It refers to a present internal instruction of the dm-Headquarters in Karlsruhe to the approximately 1,800 stores in Germany. A dm spokesman confirmed the procedure. The competitors were to practice first.

According to the “Focus” to dm-Employed shop for “strategically relevant action items at competitors”. “For this purpose, is provided centrally side, a list of the most relevant articles on Monday morning,” quoted the news magazine of the Directive. The discs contained a Link to a page in the dm-Intranet, on the correct accounting treatment of the “foreign purchasing in the store inventory” will


Marketing Director Christoph Werner of the dpa confirmed on Friday in writing: “We ask our colleagues in the dm-markets, with information to enable them to take advantage of the cheapest shopping source for your market.

This source can also be competitors, if this article offer our range at a price that is below our buying price from the manufacturer.” You do not assume that the competitors “sell below cost”, so that they would have to proceed through the dm-to-no drawbacks.

The now become known practice is another facet in the competitive struggle of the drugstores. Only recently, the Federal court of justice (BGH) had ruled in a discount dispute in favor of the drugstore chain Müller. Drugstores and other markets. therefore, to discount the actions of the competition, “append”, and therefore advertise, the foreign vouchers in their own stores to redeem Müller had enticed customers with the offer, Ten-percent-Coupons from dm, Rossmann and Douglas, also.


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