Monday, November 21, 2016

May: Ensure that economic growth reaches everyone – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May insists that the increase in Prosperity that capitalism allows, wide and equal spread. This is excerpted from a speech, which will keep the head of government in front of the main economic lobby in the United Kingdom this Monday, and the news Agency “Bloomberg”.

May wool appeal to the business leaders to keep to the rules. Especially when it comes to taxes and your own behavior. So she wanted to stress their Conviction that the decision of the British leaving the EU, especially the desire of the people for a fairer economic terms. “We can be a leader in the world to understand how some citizens – often those with middle and low income living in rich countries such as the United Kingdom – feel left behind by the forces of capitalism. We can also be a leader to pursue a new approach that ensures that economic growth arrives”, writes in an Opinion piece for the newspaper “Financial Times”.

“appreciate it If we stand up for free markets, capitalism, and economic support – and we do-then we must do everything we can to get the Believe in it”, will tell the Prime Minister, according to the speech text during the annual conference of the “Confederation for British Industry” (CBI) on Monday.

“This is the change for which people voted. To not just leave the EU but to change the way our country works ( … )."

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May will reinforce in your speech that your government has been working on an industrial strategy to strengthen the British economy. With priority support about the areas of robotics, artificial intelligence and industrial biotechnology. They will announce in this context that Britain’s Finance Minister will schedule up to two billion British pounds of additional investment per year up to the year 2020 for research and development.

“It is a matter that the government is more involved, not less, building on our Strengths, and Britain to meet its long-term challenges”, May: “It’s about to make the most of this historic opportunity we now have, and to signal a decisive and important change.”


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