TIME ONLINE: wife, on the subject of Diversity Management many think, especially to more women in leadership positions. But the idea is completely wrong, or?
Ana-Christina Grohnert (laughing) Oh, to bring more women into leadership positions, it can never hurt. But in fact, everyone understands something different under Diversity or variety. The a mean the promotion of women, others think of mixed-age Teams. Others, more employees with a migration background or to integrate people with disabilities into the labour market. Many visible differences that come to mind. This is, certainly, a lot of awareness work has been done on the issue of diversity, as the General entered the equal treatment act (AGG) ten years ago. At that time, the company’s initiative diversity Charter, which continued also in the first years of a strong focus on the visible dimensions of Diversity founded. In the meantime, the understanding has become more comprehensive.
on the Occasion of its ten-year existence, the Initiative of the diversity Charter has commissioned a study on Diversity Management in Germany create. It has been studied, what is your understanding of the companies in this country of diversity, and how you can implement Diversity Management and what experiences have you made with it. About 250 managers and HR managers were interviewed in companies that have signed the Charter. But also from companies that do not belong to the signatories.
The results
changed The understanding of Diversity Management has in the past ten years. It was in 2006, yet strong, obvious factors of diversity – to ensure, for example, that more women come in leadership positions, more people are working with a migrant background or a disability in companies and Teams in their age structure is mixed, many decision-makers today, under diversity, the change to a corporate culture of mutual respect and tolerance. However, there are still taboo topics such as sexual orientation, especially in companies that do not belong to the signatories of the Charter.
diversity Charter:
The Charter of diversity is a business initiative, the diversity in the economy and in institutions supposed to promote. The Initiative is for more appreciation, tolerance and openness in the company and would like to help companies in General, to develop a corporate culture in which all employees are free from prejudice can work. According to the Motto: Everyone should learn on-the-job appreciation – regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, Religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.
The diversity Charter was launched by Daimler, BP Europa SE (formerly Deutsche BP), Deutsche Bank and Deutsche Telekom in December 2006. To date, more than 2350 companies and public institutions have signed the Charter. To oriented its inception, the company’s initiative on the implementation of the also created in 2006 the General equal treatment act (AGG).
TIME ONLINE: What exactly is Diversity Management mean today?
Grohnert: in fact, there is no single Definition, and any company else understands. What Diversity Management means, is only create a diverse workforce. You can have a motley mixed company, and yet it may be that unconscious biases lead to the fact that a part of the employees can’t contribute fully. Then the potential remains unused. Diviersity Management means, therefore, is to create a corporate culture of openness, respect and tolerance. To achieve a climate in which every one of us, no matter what Position and with what Background, not to have to adjust and be free of fear and develop.
TIME ONLINE: Sounds idealistic. How realistic is that? After all, the world of work requires a great deal of adjustment.
Ana-Cristina Grohnert
Ana-Cristina Grohnert, Managing Partner for Talent at Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, is Chairman of the Board of Charta der vielfalt e. V
Grohnert: Clearly, there are certain rules of the economic game. There are also certain hierarchies, ethical values and rules of politeness. But it is unrealistic to create a corporate culture of mutual appreciation, tolerance and respect are the Norm. Moreover, this applies not only to the economy, but all areas of life. More people would live diversity, we would not have some political developments such as a resurgent right-wing populism probably. To create tolerance to the diversity of life – even in the very Small try. In the world of work in your own Team.
companies will benefit tremendously: Well is investigated that diverse Teams are more innovative, more agile, and economically more successful than Teams that are too similar. There is a correlation between a style of leadership that promotes diversity and appreciation and the Mix of a team as well as the economic success of such a Department. What is crucial is the insight that each perspective is valuable and that the Team is in its diversity, is working on a common goal.
TIME ONLINE: But tolerance does not prescribe compulsory. How to create a workable Diversity Management?
Grohnert: The commitment to diversity must come from the top, and here seriously to be presented. The Top Management has to be a real example. You can’t preach diversity, and then about all of the older employees in the case of a restructuring throw out. Such a style would be far-fetched and would not convince the employees.

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