The share of people at risk, despite full-time jobs out of poverty, is grown in Europe, according to a study. According to a Monday study presented to the social justice (“Social Justice Index 2016″) increased its share in the past year to 7.8 percent; in 2013 it stood at 7.2 per cent. Even if the EU-States slowly recovered from the effects of the economic and financial crisis, the recovery in the labour market for all people, the Bertelsmann-Foundation in Gütersloh.
they stopped the negative trend of recent years in the assessment of social justice in the 28 countries of the European Union. The Index, which was achieved in 2014 with 5.62 its low point, rose 2016 in the EU average to 5.75. Before the economic crisis of 2008, he was still 6,60. But still to be threatened with 118 million in every four EU citizens at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
The reasons the authors of the study see in the growing low-wage sector and a split in the labour markets in both regular and atypical forms of employment.
Germany is in the ranking with 6,66 in seventh place in the EU. The top of Sweden occupied with 7,51, tail light remains Greece 3.66. For the study, including poverty, education, labour market, health and intergenerational justice.
Problem the authors see in the Federal Republic, the high risk of poverty as well as problems in the social permeability of the education system. The proportion of the at risk of poverty full-time employees in Germany increased by 5.1 percent (2009) to 7.1 percent (2015). A slight improvement over 2014 (7.5 percent) indicate first effects after the introduction of the minimum wage in 2015, says the study.
“We were surprised that, despite rising employment in Europe the risk of poverty in Germany, too, is low,” says study author Daniel Schraad-Tischler. The authors speak of the “Europe paradox”. Therefore, Aart De Geus, Chairman of the management Board of the Bertelsmann Foundation warns: “A full-time job must not only secure income but also the Livelihoods. An increasing proportion of people who are not able to permanently make a living from their work, undermines the legitimacy of our economic and social order."

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