transport Minister Dobrindt has emphasized with respect to the exhaust gas affair, that the scandal would be informed that the inspectors from the car industry to keep a tight line to the manufacturers and, in the case of the clarification of the scandal say.
If motorists have to do with the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA), which is usually unpleasant. In the Flensburg Central register of traffic of the traffic of sins of millions of Germans are saved. And if one collects too many points, your license – since there is not much to discuss.
car manufacturers should expect more indulgence. Because if the KBA violations of corporations against the exhaust rules, Volkswagen, Opel & co. say in detail – and the press listens to and adjusts his rating then a little.
in September last year, a few days after the mass of exhaust gas fraud shall be liable in the case of VW, has set up the Federal transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) a Commission of inquiry. First of all, should examine only the case of VW. Later, the Commission expanded its work to other manufacturers.
KBA was always reserved in the exhaust gas scandal
From the exact composition of the investigative group under the leadership of the state Secretary Michael Odenwald to the Minister of transport made long a secret. Only at the Insistence of the Opposition, he published the cast list. With KBA President Ekhard Zinke. The lawyer and former workers, since 2004, Germany’s Supreme regulatory authority for the automotive industry. “The silence of the house on the fjord” was the KBA because of its restrained Relations in the exhaust-scandal again and again.
With the auto industry is the wire, the exchange lively. Between the employees of KBA, Ministry of transport and representatives of the car manufacturer, the report of the “Commission of inquiry Volkswagen”, the possible violations of the exhaust gas was rules by the car manufacturer should examine, at least in Parts “matched”. The E-Mails, which could see the German press Agency, “Spiegel Online” and “BR Research”.
An Opel representative writes, for example, a draft text of the KBA could not agree to the company “in this Form”. The issue of conversions on many cars, which are noticed in the case of exhaust-gas tests due to high values of toxic nitrous oxide. The KBA had a call, therefore, the return as “measures for the restoration of regularity”. Opel that doesn’t fit: “for Us, it is an action plan in the framework of a proposed voluntary product improvement,” wrote the representatives of the company.
An “industry friendly greeting” from KBA-chief
And so it came to be. In the final report of the exhaust gas Commission in the Chapter on “evaluation” on page 119: “a number of producers could be initiated notwithstanding the admissibility of the shut-off bodies, voluntary technical improvements to in-service vehicles.” The car manufacturer also increased in the Wake of the report that it was not a question call to voluntary service actions. A total of 630,000 cars are to be converted into workshops. In the eyes of many critics, the corporations were extremely off lightly.
KBA-boss prong set, itself, is involved in the correspondence. As a response to a command from Opel, he writes to two of his employees: “hi guys, up on the right boldly-rounded Interpretation of the law. Definition of “defeat device” that I so not from the techn. Rule out reading can, I think Opel designs, in particular, in techn. Part of the reason is understandable. – With industry-friendly greeting”.
At another point writes of a KBA representative to an employee of the Federal Ministry of transport, in the draft version of the report of the Commission of inquiry a “Porsche is aligned-Text” with the manufacturer. Accordingly, even haggled to individual words – is also due to the fact that the company was “very sensitive”. A VW-employee wrote to the KBA, they wanted to send a “matching proposal” to the Commission of inquiry.
Uncover the VW scandal abroad suspicious
accused The Opposition has Dobrindt always too close to the car industry. Dobrindt himself makes no secret of the fact that the exhaust gas measurements in the framework of the Commission’s work will also be discussed with the producers””: “The partnership between the economy, society and politics is the basis of the social market economy, and the partnership is no camaraderie,” he had said already at the beginning of the year to such conversations.
After VW had been caught in the United States – and not, for example, in the homeland of Germany, had not wrinkled only environmentalists on the forehead. In the “Flensburger Tageblatt” said Zinke in October 2015, his Department was able to know of Diesel-manipulations nothing.
First measurements of the environmental organisation International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), brought U.S. authorities to track down the fraud. For their Europe-coordinator and Mitenthüller of the exhaust gas scandal, Peter Mock, no Surprise: “other than such violations in Europe do not really tracked,” he said of the dpa.
relationship between the policy and the automobile industry have traditionally been closely
The relations between the car industry and policy in Germany are traditionally tight. Around 800,000 people are employed according to the industry Association VDA in the German automotive industry, the power companies for politicians is very important. VDA chief Matthias Wissmann was once the Federal Minister of transport. In a recent joint statement from the KBA and the Ministry of transport, it means that all conversations and technical discussions were “international customary and necessary.”
conclusions in the investigation report had been taken by the Commission. “The opinion was independent.” A VW spokesman said: “If the KBA with a view to the announced publication of the investigation report in consultation with the companies concerned, is this, in our view, once understandable and obvious.” Opel would not comment.

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