Sunday, 13. November 2016
The U.S. environmental protection Agency, EPA and the U.S. Department of justice to want to take the Audi because of the potential Manipulation of the CO2-values in the lack of. Also, the German Federal motor transport authority after a possible fraud.
The U.S. environmental protection Agency, EPA, is taking a potentially illegal Software function in models of the VW subsidiary Audi, more precisely under the magnifying glass. In the coming week, high-level technicians of the VW group would have to compete for the EPA, writes the “picture on Sunday”.
the U.S. Department of justice has, therefore, several Audi engineers. In Germany, auditors of the newspaper, according to Audi to test the vehicles in more detail. The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) will perform in the framework of a special audit in the case of many Audi models can now own measurements, this is mainly to the emissions of the harmful greenhouse gas CO2. The Federal Ministry of transport announced on Sunday, the KBA to the facts of the case.
It is alleged that the car maker had manipulated the CO2 readings in an illegal way. The “Bild am Sonntag” had reported in the past week, the Californian environmental authority Carb’ve discovered in the summer of an illegal Software function in models of the Ingolstadt-based subsidiary. This didn’t used the Audi only for Diesel but also for gasoline.
New engines in the focus of the investigation
according to The report, were certain Audi models, by means of a so-called steering angle detection, whether you are on a roller test bench and switched then to a “cleaner” driving mode. The allegations are intended to refer to motors, one of which is not yet publicly known was that they are the focus of investigators. The “Bild am Sonntag” reported, Audi have used this test bench detection for many years. In may 2016 the company had stopped the bet.
Also, VW’s lawyers have, according to information from NDR, WDR and “süddeutsche Zeitung” recently intensive with the possible Manipulation of emission values of the group’s subsidiary. In the case of the steering angle detection, you come to the according to Reports, to the conclusion that it could not be ruled out that the authorities regarded this as inadmissible. Accordingly, the VW would have found lawyers, moreover, that not only vehicles with the eight-speed automatic transmission AL 551 are affected, but also those with the seven-stage DL 501, which is located in models such as the A5, A6 and A7.
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“Because of the ongoing discussions with the authorities in the USA, we can speak only to the Situation in Europe,” said Audi. Compared with the KBA, as the relevant European approval authority, Audi have explained the technical background to adaptive switching programs and technical information provided.
threaten expensive repurchases
“Further discussions with the KBA will follow.” In normal driving, these learners systems support the driver by the switch points adapted to the respective driving situation. “Adaptive switching programs can be adulterated in the case of test bench measurements and non-reproducible results.”
In the United States is Audi because of more than 80,000 diesel cars with illegal exhaust systems already under pressure. The vehicles with 3.0-Liter engines, which are equipped according to the US authorities with a special Software for the Manipulation of nitrogen oxide values. Should be found no way to eliminate this, according to U.S. law prohibited programs, threaten expensive repurchase of the affected vehicles. It comes to expensive cars such as Porsche Cayenne, VW Touareg and Audi luxury models.

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