That was it with the TRANS-Atlantic free trade agreement TTIP. There will be “some time”, a “Pause” in the negotiations, said the responsible EU Commissioner, Cecilia Malmström, after a Meeting of trade Ministers in Brussels. Under the future President Donald Trump was completely unclear “what will happen”.
The Republicans Trump had criticized during the election campaign on free trade agreements and the destruction of jobs in the US industry. TTIP will now “probably migrate in the freezer,” said Malmström. It is uncertain, “when it is thawed”. The EU Commissioner said, according to diplomats in front of the Ministers, you know, whether this will ever happen.
Due to the change of power in Washington, it was clear that there would be no completion of the TTIP, under the government of the outgoing democratic President Barack Obama, said the German state Secretary for Economic Affairs Matthias Machnig. According to trump’s office in January should then be able to be tested, “as we the voters continue to make, whether we can make voters more”.
“are The negotiations dead, and all the”
Machnig know stressed at the same time, the EU is now “higher Standards” in free trade agreements in the areas of environment, health care or workers ‘ rights, landing. Just struggling free trade agreement Ceta with Canada is also “raising the bar for negotiations with the United States,” said the Secretary of state. “We will not fall behind Ceta.”
France called for foreign trade, Secretary of state Matthias Fekl, to stop the negotiations. “You are dead, and I believe that all of it does not want to admit to know, even if there are many.” The government in Paris had already claimed prior to the US election a stop of the negotiations and the current draft Treaty as unacceptable.
in Sweden, Europe and trade Minister, Ann Linde said, however, you believe that TTIP was already dead. “I believe, however, that it will probably be for a few years, no further negotiations.”
The EU Commission is negotiated since 2013, with the United States on the agreement. The member States gave the Commission the negotiating mandate was originally unanimously. Besides France, Austria called for the last of a negotiated stop, also the Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) has distanced itself from the agreement. Officially, the Federal government continues to support the free trade agreement.

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