Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Rescue of Kaiser’s Tengelmann is more questionable – THE WORLD

updated: 06:19 PM | Reading time: 2 minutes

Federation of trade unions and the works Council, to warn against premature euphoria

Die monopoly Commission expected for the Takeover of the loss of the supermarket chain Kaiser rich’s Tengelmann by competitors an in-depth antitrust review. If leading companies are “divided a substantial part” of the supermarket industry, this is “an agreement that may restrict competition to the detriment of consumers,” said Commission chief Achim Wambach of the “Rheinische Post”. “The cartel office will be closely watching whether it considers this arrangement to be permissible.”

The mediation by former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) welcomed Wambach. “The negotiations were very politicized and procedures, to the extent that it was consistent to find about the use of political mediators, a solution,” he said. The months-long tug-of-war, the future of the Kaiser’s Tengelmann will lead, according to Wambach, presumably, to the Minister for permission, it is rarely used. “Companies will think about it more than ever, whether you apply for a Ministerial permit: It is about months in the light of the Public, and the prospects of success are low,” he said.

Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) had announced on Monday an agreement in Principle on the future of Kaiser’s Tengelmann. Thus was achieved in the conciliation procedure under former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD), a “balancing of interests” with Rewe, through the market leader Edeka, Kaiser’s Tengelmann, but still can accept. A part of the branches in Berlin to go to Rewe. Many questions of detail remain open.

The German Confederation of trade unions and the works Council see the agreement in the arbitration process, the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann with around 15,000 employees skeptical. DGB-Chef Reiner Hoffmann pointed to setbacks in accordance with previous signals of hope. “We had had a compromise that had just lasted 24 hours,” he said. The conditions for securing jobs were now but “definitely much better”.

criticism also came from the Kaiser’s-Tengelmann-works Council in Berlin. The works councils did not know “rude manner,” nothing, what are Edeka and Rewe agreed in the allocation of branches in the capital, said works Council chief Volker bean. Also, Rewe had to take his complaint to court against the Takeover by Edeka is still back: “Since you have not done this yet, but I do not understand, Sigmar Gabriel, believes that there are no stumbling blocks.”


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