Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Refugees need up to 20 years in the labor market – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

a refugee from Afghanistan conjugated during a lesson a German course for refugees, the verb “to work” .

refugees among all migrants the biggest problems in the European labor markets. It takes up to 20 years before they have reached the level of employment by residents. Especially fled women do to find hard for a job. In addition to the recognition of foreign qualifications prevented mainly by insufficient language skills that many asylum seekers quickly find a place in their target countries. In Germany this is to particularly pronounced. These are the key points of a joint working paper of the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which was presented on Wednesday during an online news conference. In Germany the results encounter currently in a particularly great interest. The employment agency expects to end with 350,000 unemployed refugees in Hartz IV system. Next Wednesday will Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) spoke with company representatives about how their employment chances can be improved.

 Sven Astheimer Author: Sven Astheimer, editor in business, in charge of” professional and chance “.

the study includes data from 2014, ie before the great wave of refugees from the past year. is compared the development in most EU Member States (except the Netherlands, Denmark and Ireland) as well as Switzerland and Norway. “The integration of refugees into the labor market is a long process,” summarized OECD expert Thomas Liebig together. For Germany, he also sees positives despite the shortcomings identified. So the efforts of recent years in the form of integration courses gave hope for significant improvement.

In most countries, the bulk of the refugees was male

The investigation Germany was by absolute figures already the main destination country before last fall for refugees in Europe. In 2014, this country lived approximately 662000 refugees of working age between 15 and 64 years. Considerably further behind the UK followed with just over 300,000, ahead of Sweden with a scarce quarter of a million and France with around 200,000 in relation to their own population Sweden recorded the largest number of refugees. A total of six (Western) European countries to more than 90 percent of all refugees. In Central and Eastern Europe accounted for already very low quotas.

In most countries, the bulk of the refugees was male. The highest proportion of men in Italy was more than three-quarters, followed behind Norway and Germany with more than 60 percent. According to the latest data of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees proportion of men has increased in Germany with the rise in the last year towards 70 percent.

Language skills are below average

Remarkably bad cut in the study, vernacular knowledge from the refugees in Germany. The decisive criterion for the authors was established according to international standards level B1, attesting to advanced language skills and is generally considered a prerequisite for integration into the company. In Germany have ten years after their arrival just around 40 percent of the refugees on B1-knowledge. In Spain this figure was almost 100 per cent, in Sweden more than 80 percent. Thus, the figure for Germany is also well below the EU average of 60 percent. However Liebig points out that the latest figures from integration courses in Germany already identify rates of around 60 percent.

In other countries, refugees are less well integrated

The authors have the skills of refugees compared with those of other migrants from outside the EU. For Germany, this group has the merit to a value of around 70 percent, which corresponds approximately to neighboring countries such as Austria, Switzerland and Belgium. It bridges the

gap between refugees and other migrants but connection drops as high as in any other country with the exception of the UK where move both groups but at a significantly higher level.

Closely thus should be that in almost all the countries studied, the refugees are significantly less integrated into the labor market than other immigrants. In Germany, the employment rate of refugees is 57 percent and is 18 points lower than born in Germany people. “Thus refugees have significantly greater problems than all other groups of immigrants to find a job,” Liebig said. This is especially true for women in 2014 were only 43 percent of female refugees in employment, the rate among native women was 71 percent. “It would be useful to pay particular attention to the employment of fleeing women.”

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the authors also investigated whether highly qualified refugees are employed accordingly. For Germany, this results in a great potential, because 70 percent of the high skilled are below their qualifications busy – more than in any other EU country. The reasons are, according to Liebig diverse.

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