The seriously ailing airline Air Berlin intends to submit routes to eurowings. The goal: to foreign competitors such as Easyjet small to hold and secure the Survival. We will explain what is the shrink rate means and how it could have an impact on the location of Düsseldorf.
For Air Berlin, the clock is ticking. Each quarter, Germany’s second largest airline concludes for years at a loss, now chief Executive, Stefan Pichler, is planning a radical cut. The equity is now almost a billion euros, the operating loss in the first half of the year with 234 million euros, a third higher than before, the airline wasted their strength by you is both low-cost airlines, holiday, airline, as well as long-haul aircraft.
We explain what is the former Lufthansa Manager Stefan Pichler has in store for the company.
strategy Pichler plans to lead Air Berlin as a network carrier only from Düsseldorf and Berlin. Flights from other cities are almost fully eliminated. If he will make a large part of the Europe-flights to the Lufthansa offshoot Euro wings, he wants to get a double benefit: He would be a loss-maker. And he would benefit with a reasonably good price, or regular payments of routes to Lufthansa.
After all, it is planned that Air Berlin rented out to approximately 40 machines to eurowings, which sells flights, then, in turn, under your brand. Owners of these Jets, Air Berlin is not anyway. All the machines are leased, because Air Berlin has too little capital for its own.
Lufthansa-interest for Many years, the Kranich-Airline was a weak Air Berlin lovers, because they blocked traffic rights (“Slots”) that would otherwise have taken the classic billlig flyer, Ryanair, Easyjet, or Vueling from Spain.
Because after years of losses, there is the threat of a collapse of Air Berlin, thinks Lufthansa-Chef Carsten Spohr now: Better Eurowings takes a lot of Air Berlin routes instead of the competition.
Tui-approach is also interested in Europe’s largest tourism group Tui Share of Air Berlin, or in
it is also Conceivable that Air Berlin will stop in the tourist routes. Christoph Drescher, the Executive Board of the flight attendants ‘ Union Ufo, and a long-standing member of Supervisory Board at Tuifly, explains where the journey might go: “Etihad has, as the main owner of Air Berlin, is of no interest to a tourist business within Europe. Want to make the most of your transfer airport in Abu Dhabi. For travels to Mallorca, but very little – even if the business is profitable.”
passenger rights It is expected that Eurowings and Tui would be some of the transferred flights, so that the excess supply of Tickets goes back to the European market. Passengers with Tickets for those routes have the right to Rebook or they can demand the price.
special risk Düsseldorf If Air Berlin are given, in the NRW state capital is only a few, or perhaps no stretch, probably will change a little.
but There are indications that Etihad is of the essence, after years of losses, Air Berlin, that holiday flights will be made from the main locations in Düsseldorf and Berlin. This would be especially possible if the other companies bring in their Ferienjets in a Joint Venture. “Thomas Cook checks whether the own airline, will be delivered,” says airline consultant Gerald Wissel. “Well, an independent flight providers, summarises these fleets with the aircraft of Air Berlin, together.”
at Least, the industry expert Heinrich warns big bongardt consequences for Düsseldorf: “Currently, Air Berlin is Lufthansa/Eurowings main airline in the North Rhine-Westphalian capital. But if Air Berlin is weakened, there may soon be significantly fewer connections.”

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