Tengelmann-Chef Haub has long maintained many unprofitable supermarkets. His Procrastination has a long Tradition.
Now Karl-Erivan Haub is reached exactly where he stood two years ago. You could even go further back – up to the year 2000, when he took over from his father, Erivan Haub, the leadership of the Tengelmann group (Obi, Kik). Namely, in the question: How do I get rid of these supermarkets? And, above all, when? On Friday, he postponed the decision for another two weeks. You know the now of Haub. He can’t decide. One knows not exactly why. Only: He thus makes everything worse, for themselves and for the employees.
he didn’t need to ask the question. Haub would also be able to commit to the super markets. Yet in 1993, to 100. Birthday of the Tengelmann-store chain, reported his father with a group turnover of more than 50 billion D-Mark.
There was a time when that meant “I’m going to Tengelmann” so much as “I go shopping”. Here is a branch in München-Fürstenried.
(photo: Otfried Schmidt/SZ Photo)
“I go to Tengelmann”
Thus, the company from Mülheim on the Ruhr, the largest food store in the world operated. In some cities in Germany, the sentence was shopping: “I go to Tengelmann” synonymous: “I go.” Haub was able to but wanted to start with the supermarkets, nothing. It saw “no market potential”. And so one of his first decisions as CEO, Plus markets was for sale.
the Drama took its course.
You can’t understand the crime to the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann, which has been happening for two years, in full, if you keep the events of that time in the back of the head. His Plus-markets-selling go away, not to anyone, but at Edeka, and thus Edekas ascent began to the undisputed market leader in Germany.
Angela Merkel with the owner of the company Karl-Erivan Haub in the Tengelmann Museum in Mühlheim.
(photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa)
also, Edeka competitor Rewe was not empty. Haub had to cede antitrust reasons, a number of Plus markets to Rewe, especially those in the Rhine-Main area, where Rewe is currently the market leader. The crucial point however is: The Deal was apparently for Haub little lucrative. It is said that he had to pay at the end of it. An Insider says: “He feels from Rewe across the table.”
that explains why he’s doing today yet so hard, Rewe chief Alain Caparros to negotiate. Personal animosity
Here, you have to be an expert to recognize that it is problematic to give to the industry leader, another piece of the pie. Haub wants to do it yet. The cartel office says no, he complains against the decision. He even tries to exploit the Federal Minister for economic Affairs.
By means of a Ministerial permit will. Haub the “total package” boxes What moves him is a mystery. He has managed Kaiser’s Tengelmann in the ground and investing since 2000 and not a Cent much in the chain. Here, Haub sprayed quite prior to creativity and ideas. He rises early, at the successful Online fashion retailer Zalando and has compiled an impressive Portfolio of Start-ups in E-Commerce. Kaiser’s Tengelmann, but he prescribed the slow death.
405 super markets …will operate Kaiser’s Tengelmann the end of the year only in Germany. In the best case, are found until then, the buyer and the shops continue to exist and other names. Why the owner Karl-Erivan Haub as little supermarkets can do, is a mystery.
A branch to the other, it closes. The meat works, the administration and the logistics he holds but for life. The sales are falling, costs remain high. Since 2000, the chain makes a total loss. It is represented in attractive locations in Munich and Berlin. The North Rhine Region on the other hand is a Disaster.
If the Haub comments, which rarely happens, in public, he praises the employees: “for Us, it is Essentially about people,” he says. Of Sigmar Gabriel, he appealed: “Please, Mr Minister, you decide in the end for the people.” And also in the in the night to Friday consigned communiqué it comes to finding a solution “for the employees of Kaiser’s Tengelmann”.
Exactly, these employees have to endure, but two years into a gruelling stalemate. Who can, jumps off and looks for a new Job. The business operation is to be maintained in some places. “Day-to-day it is worse,” says managing Director Raimund Luig. Exactly this Situation has brought about Haub, with its hesitant and inconsistent Management.

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