Thursday, September 22, 2016

Edeka, Kaiser’s Tengelmann: the human touch dangerous food-Deal – THE WORLD

Es are only a few drought lines, invaded on Thursday at midnight from Frankfurt’s crisis summit of the heads of Edeka, Rewe and Kaiser’s Tengelmann to the outside. They are: “In a constructive, three-hour discussion, the Participants agreed, the discussions in a timely manner to continue with the stated objective, to find one for all the parties Involved and the employees of Kaiser’s Tengelmann viable, common solution.”

How, please? Constructive Conversation? Search for a common solution? And for the two years needed, a complete special permit from the Federal Minister for economic Affairs, and countless hours of work of highly talented-and-paid lawyers? To talk to finally get some sense together?

it sounds absurd, and it would be if it were a neighborhood dispute or a Marital crisis. But the rules of this poker, will go in the next few days, in his final tournament, will be dictated by massive economic interests. Of profits in the Millions and billions in sales. In essence, it is about whether the market is powerful Edeka-Verbund can close his last weak points in the German branch network with a great Emperor’s-Coup, elegantly, and its lead to an unassailable increased – or whether the rival, Rewe, remain hot on his heels.

the biggest Deal of The last years in the German food trade

Rewe chief Alain Caparros has fought for the chase by all means: verbally, politically, legally. It would be quite an understatement to describe the feelings with the term “Trouble”, which he throws at Edeka CEO Markus Mosa and Tengelmann-owner Karl-Erivan Haub. Outrage is more like it, and which is reciprocally, the sounds in conversations again and again. Without Caparros Haub and Mosa would be a long way to go. In this respect, with the human touch so violently in the scramble of the economic interests.

a Lot of time can be Involved, is too large, the pressure to act. The Emperor’s crumbled under the tough sales process. Customers to stay away. Employees flee if you can.

employees of Kaiser’s Tengelmann and leave in droves

The embattled supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann are said to go in droves, the employees of the Board. The whole of IT, the logistics and the POS system hanging, threatening to collapse.

source: The world

landlords are looking for Alternatives. Suppliers are nervous. Under this pressure, the tenacity for Caparros is now paying off. This is already evident in the formulation of a “for all Involved,” a viable solution should be found.

This is a smooth appreciation of the Rewe group, which was not so far, just as “Involved” in the biggest Deal of the last years in the German food trade.

there is Now Caparros so, but in the middle. And the company, the formal announcement of the sale process to the Emperor. Because negotiations on a mutually acceptable allocation of around 420 Kaiser’s considered, again at the very beginning of stores, you would be able to finally, also in the fall of 2014, Edeka and Tengelmann had signed up its exclusive takeover plan to the Federal cartel office. However, should some of the three large trading companies now, it won’t be necessary again for two years, until a solution comes into view. Rather, the formalities could be completed according to the assessment of market experts within a few weeks.

The chief of Norma are extremely upset

This would, of course, be in addition to Rewe, the chains Norma and Striking a compromise won – they had jointly sued with Rewe against the Ministerial approval. Remarkably, Norma is not that Striking, has joined the Declaration of Thursday evening, however. Although it is considered unlikely that the two Rewe-comrades-in-arms would permanently put a cross, if you involved them appropriately. The competitive safety would benefit from a Takeover of Kaiser’s stores due to smaller food retailers.

However, the Norma-management is according to information from the negotiating circles, sustainable angered by Kaiser’s-Tengelmann-owner Haub, the man accused of arrogance. He had not rejected in the last two years, all of the conversation and takeover offers from Nuremberg Norma – Central one- he will simply be ignored. As I said: It the human touch.

But only if Norma’s, a Discounter with over 1400 branches and 16 branches, his lawsuit against the Ministerial approval, were to withdraw, would be the way for a friendly solution, really. It should come to an agreement with all the plaintiffs could fall back the buyer, even if there are several – at least-nearly as much as the conditions of the Ministerial approval. Thereafter, such operation is excluded conditional resignations in the Emperor's for five years, more workers ‘ rights are respected. The trade Union Ver.di, on the influence of the Meeting of the heads goes back, to sustainably penetrate.

Haub had convened for today, Friday, an extraordinary meeting of the Supervisory Board of Kaiser’s Tengelmann, on the it is probably to the defeat of the heavily loss-making chain should go. Whether this meeting should take place against the Background of the announced negotiations about alternative solutions for Kaiser’s, was on Thursday evening initially unclear.

If Yes, it could be conceivable in the short around with a postponement of a decision on a new appointment. What is there to decide the overseers finally, this Friday, when the finally goal of “a common solution for all parties Involved” will only be figured out? One thing is clear: You no longer “have to call you, then busting”. Friendly terms, such as “a viable common solution.”


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