Friday, September 23, 2016

Free trade: Oppermann wants to negotiate TTIP newly – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Faction leader Thomas Oppermann calls for a restart on TTIP

of The SPD parliamentary group Chairman Thomas Oppermann has called for, after the presidential elections in the USA a completely new of free trade, to negotiate agreements with the United States. After the elections, had to be talked “about the future of our trade relations,” said Oppermann the Newspapers of the Funke media group. “But, it must be run completely differently than in the past.”

the development of The EU-Commission should together with the EU Parliament, the parliaments of the EU member States and the social groups of “a basic framework for the trade relations with America,” said Oppermann. This could be a free trade agreement with Canada (Ceta), for example. The negotiations would have “an entirely different legitimacy” as the ongoing TTIP talks.

The next TTIP negotiating round will take place in early October in New York. The trade Ministers of the EU member States met on Friday in Bratislava, do not expect that the negotiations with the United States in the administration of President Barack Obama to the 20. January will be completed.

Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) had referred to the TTIP negotiations recently have failed. Particularly significantly, the French government stepped in last for a negotiated stop.

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Germany and TTIP As an export nation, against free trade?

Germany benefits greatly from international trade, every fourth job depends on Export – an open economy is a precondition for this. However, in the public debate the voices of the opponents and the images of the protest and dominate. The economic arguments. It’s a clash between supporters and opponents of free trade.

22.09.2016, 08:30 PM | business

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Ceta and TTIP Gabriel’s trial by fire

In the debate on Ceta and TTIP, the SPD tries himself in the role of a great Integrator. Sigmar Gabriel is in this show, a feat match succeeded. More By Jasper of old bockum

20.09.2016, 10:23 PM | politics


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