The summit on the future of the food chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann has produced no results. On Thursday evening, the heads of the retail chains Edeka, Kaiser’s Tengelmann and Rewe with representatives of the trade Union, to discuss the future of around 15,000 jobs. met After three hours, the round is postponed. The conversation had been constructive. You had to bring in agreement, “the discussions in a timely manner”. A date or location was not mentioned but it said in a terse message to the summit. The aim is “to find for all parties Involved and the employees of Kaiser’s Tengelmann viable, common solution.” Specific content of the meeting not penetrated to the outside. On Friday, the Tengelmann could seal-Supervisory Board, however, the break-up of the company.
The Plan of Kaiser’s-Tengelmann boss Karl-Erivan Haub, the trade chain, to sell completely at Edeka, is thus increasingly unlikely. Rewe CEO Alain Caparros had stopped this plan before the court. Caparros is of the opinion that the 400 locations from Tengelmann should be divided among the competitors. The jobs could be obtained anyway, and the competition concerns were off the table.
“We can jobs at Kaiser s Tengelmann, by together we can make the way for a fair distribution of the markets,” said Caparros, a few hours before the summit on the crisis. He was ready for all of Rewe stores acquired, to accept of the Ministerial approval, formulated pads to secure jobs, co-determination and collective bargaining contractual payment of the Deal, said the Rewe CEO. “Such a solution can be realized within a few weeks, because of the competitive solutions that have been legally tested do already in the beginning of the year by the Federal cartel office.”
The works Council of Kaiser’s Tengelmann on the other hand demands the preservation of the high-loss-making supermarket chain. “Instead of smashing scenarios, we need a continuation of the concept, until the courts have decided, or there is an agreement with all Parties,” said Manfred Schick, Board member and Chairman of the works Council of the Region Munich/upper Bavaria, the business week. For the difficult Situation of the company Tengelmann’s chief Karl-Erivan Haub makes Chic responsible: “Clearly, the owner bears responsibility for the situation.”
industry leader Edeka and Kaiser’s Tengelmann had decided the merger about two years ago. The Federal cartel office put on, due to competition concerns in his Veto, the Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) over a so-called Ministerial permission for dismantling. Among other things, Rewe had appealed to the Düsseldorf higher regional court appeal against the permit and provisional right. So the Deal is on ice and threatens to burst due to protracted legal disputes. Haub threatened due to the long tug-of-war to the Takeover with a for Kaiser’s Tengelmann. The chain accounted for high losses in personnel will not Board the landlord to extend contracts.

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