Tuesday, September 27, 2016

US media giant allegedly wants to join: the battle of Twitter is Now … – FOCUS Online

Tuesday, 27.09.2016, 11:06
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In the case of Twitter, it is not progressing properly. This attracts investors, the smell of a cheap opportunity to take over. Such as Google and Microsoft to be interested. Supposedly Disney offers, it is now. Between the two companies, there is already a special connection.

The US media giant Disney is considering, apparently, is to buy the Internet service Twitter. The group had engaged a financial Advisor to examine the business, reported the news Agency Bloomberg with reference to informed circles. Twitter’s Long-in-crisis – rumours of a sale, there are for months.

Disney did not respond on Monday to Requests to the Bloomberg report. Between the group and the short message service, there is a personal connection: Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey sits on the Disney Board of Directors.

Google-mother Alphabet interested in supposedly

The takeover rumors around Twitter on Friday.

The US news channel CNBC reported that the sale was imminent. Interested parties, among other things, the Google-native Alphabet and the Cloud provider Salesforce. The technology giant Microsoft and telecommunications giant Verizon have been mentioned as possible buyers. The Twitter share price rose on Friday by more than 20 percent.

on the technology industry-specialized news site Recode reported recently, Twitter – the stock exchange of approximately 16 billion dollars (14.2 billion Euro) value of wool, up to $ 30 billion as the purchase price. Analyst Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group showed themselves skeptical. “The Problem is to find someone who wants to actually pay money for it – after all, they are not profitable.”

user only slowly

The Internet service, this year celebrated its sixth birthday, the rise in numbers has never made a profit. The users are increasing also, now only slowly. While Twitter is about journalists, activists, and Celebrities from music to Sport is very popular, hapert it is still at the anchorage in the General population.

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